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Digisky-msi Digisky-msi
private developer interesting in everything
Dominic Meads dominic-meads
I would love some feedback on code or to work on a project together! Check out my youtube channel below!

student USA

Aleksandar Haber AleksandarHaber
- Ph.D. in Control Theory and Engineering.
Max Korbel mkorbel1
Principal Engineer @ Intel, lead for ROHD

Intel Corporation

Potnuri Sri Anjali Pravallika anjalipravallika

National Institute of technology,Warangal

Abel de Burgos Sierra Abelink23
I am PhD student in Astrophysics at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, studying the evolution of massive stars.

Canary Islands

Ricardo Yarza ryarza
Astronomy graduate student

University of California, Santa Cruz

Javier Serna javiserna
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Oklahoma. Specializing in data science and software development with a Ph.D. in Astrophysics.

University of Oklahoma Norman, OK

William Henney will-henney

IRyA, UNAM Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico

Adam Finley AdamJamesFinley
Astrophysics Researcher at CEA Paris-Saclay.
Dúalta Ó Fionnagáin ofionnad
Astronomer. Data Scientist. Currently working with low-frequency radio telescopes.

University of Galway Galway, Ireland

Digilent Digilent
The Official Digilent Github Account!

Pullman, WA

Kshitij Dadhekar kshitijdadhekar
Arduino Hacker, Robotics, Automation, Electric Vehicles, Self Driving Vehicles, cm accurate GNSS Positioning.

Terminal Two Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Yifan Wang yi-fan-wang
Postdoc @ Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam, Germany.

Max Planck Insititute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)

Gravitational-wave Astronomy gwastro
Python Software for Gravitational-wave Astronomy
Lukas Welzel lwelzel
Astronomer and aerospace engineer interested in exoplanets, deep learning and systems engineering.
Francisco Javier Reina Campo PacoReinaCampo
I am an Electronic Engineer specialized in digital design and verification, with emphasis on Hardware Description Languages ((System)Verilog, VHDL).

QueenField Abu Dhabi

Abraxas3d Abraxas3d
I enjoy thinking and doing. Not necessarily in that order.

Optimized Tomfoolery San Diego, CA, USA

Philip Salmony pms67
Electrical and Control Systems Engineer.


Circuit Dojo LLC circuitdojo

United States of America


Zubax Robotics Estonia

Ui.Vision A9T9
Open-Source software, code snippets and experiments mainly related to UI.Vision RPA, Copyfish & OCR API. Maintained by the a9t9 software team.

a9t9 software GmbH Germany

Chiara Mingarelli ChiaraMingarelli
I'm a gravitational-wave astrophysicist studying supermassive black hole mergers.

Yale University New Haven

Manon Marchand ManonMarchand

@cds-astro Strasbourg, France

Brigitta Sipőcz bsipocz
Python, astronomy, and open source.

Caltech/IPAC Seattle, WA

UC Berkeley SETI Program UCBerkeleySETI

University of California, Berkeley - Berkeley, California, USA

Kirstie Jones kkj105
Data engineer with a background in nonprofit fundraising. Organized critical thinker with an interest in data and research.
Dr Stephen J Curran steviecurran
Astrophysicist and data scientist with a strong insight and a talent for finding patterns in data, leading to several paradigm shifting discoveries.

Victoria University of Wellington

Galaxy Project galaxyproject
Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data-intensive research.
Dr Duncan Forgan DuncanForgan
Computational astrophysicist/astrobiologist, technical lead


Arduino arduino
This org contains the official Arduino tools (IDE, CLI...), documentation and cores. See @arduino-libraries for the official libraries.
Steve Hoover stevehoover
I am the founder of Redwood EDA. More on linkedin:

Redwood EDA (@rweda, though most of our open source work is on gitlab) Massachusetts

RISC-V riscv
The Open-Standard Instruction Set Architecture

Zurich, CH