- Join Screen
- Camera Controls
- Mic Controls
- Host Controls
- Redirect on Leave
- Share Your Screen
- Send Messages
- Record Meeting
- Go Live On Social Media
- Customize Branding
- Customize Permissions
- Pin Participants
- Layouts
- Whiteboard
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-prebuilt-ui.git cd videosdk-rtc-react-prebuilt-ui
Install NPM packages
npm install
Run the app
npm run start
Now your app will be running on http://localhost:3000, to customize the default options pass url parameters where app is running.
Example Url with parameters: http://localhost:3000?token=replaceWithYourMeetingToken&meetingId=yourMeetingId&webcamEnabled=true&micEnabled=true
Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
token*required * |
- | meeting token |
micEnabled | false | mic enabled by default |
webcamEnabled | false | webcam enabled by default |
name | - | participant name |
meetingId required |
- | meeting id |
region | "sg001" | meeting region |
redirectOnLeave | - | URL where user will be redirected, after leaving the meeting |
chatEnabled | false | chat panel visible or not |
screenShareEnabled | false | can start screen sharing |
pollEnabled | false | coming soon |
whiteboardEnabled | false | whiteboard button visible or not |
raiseHandEnabled | false | raise hand button visible or not |
participantCanToggleSelfWebcam | false | webcam toggle button visible or not |
participantCanToggleSelfMic | false | mic toggle button visible or not |
participantCanToggleRecording | false | can toggle recording |
participantCanLeave | true | meeting end button visible or not |
participantCanToggleOtherWebcam | - | participant can toggle webcam of other participant or not |
participantCanToggleOtherMic | - | participant can toggle mic of other participant or not |
participantCanToggleLivestream | todo | todo |
participantCanEndMeeting | false | participant can end meeting |
participantCanToggleRealtimeTranscription | false | participant can toggle realtime transcription button or not |
realtimeTranscriptionEnabled | false | realtime transcription button visible or not |
realtimeTranscriptionVisible | false | realtime transcription visble or not |
recordingEnabled | false | recording button visible or not |
recordingWebhookUrl | - | calls webhook after recording completed |
recordingAWSDirPath | - | dir path of aws s3 bucket where recording will be saved |
autoStartRecording | false | by default start recording on meeting joined |
brandingEnabled | false | branding box visible or not |
brandLogoURL | - | branding logo url |
brandName | - | branch name |
poweredBy | false | powered by videosdk.live text visible or not |
liveStreamEnabled | false | live stream enabled or not |
autoStartLiveStream | false | auto start live stream on meeting join |
liveStreamOutputs | - | rtml outputs for live streaming the meeting |
askJoin | false | ask host to join before joining the meeting |
joinScreenEnabled | true | join screen visible or not |
joinScreenMeetingUrl | false | url where that meeting will be hosted |
joinScreenTitle | false | title of join screen |
notificationSoundEnabled | false | whether notification sound audible or not |
canPin | false | pin other participants |
canRemoveOtherParticipant | false | participant can remove other participant |
canDrawOnWhiteboard | false | participant can draw on whiteboard, if false then whiteboard drawing will be in view mode |
canToggleWhiteboard | false | participant can toggle whiteboard |
leftScreenActionButtonLabel | - | left screen custom action button label |
leftScreenActionButtonHref | - | left screen custom action button href |
leftScreenRejoinButtonEnabled | - | - |
maxResolution | sd |
- |
animationsEnabled | true | - |
topbarEnabled | true | - |
notificationAlertsEnabled | true | - |
debug | false | enable precise error message |
participantId | - | if of the participant who will jooin the meeting, if not provided it will generate one |
layoutType | GRID | GRID or SPOTLIGHT or SIDEBAR |
layoutGridSize | - | Maximum number of participants to be displayed on meeting layout |
layoutPriority | SPEAKER |
meetingLayoutTopic | MEETING_LAYOUT |
isRecorder | false | - |
hideLocalParticipant | false | will hide localParticipant from layout |
alwaysShowOverlay | false | - |
sideStackSize | - | - |
reduceEdgeSpacing | false | - |
joinWithoutUserInteraction | false | do not require interaction before starting the meeting |
rawUserAgent | - | - |
canChangeLayout | false |
can change meeting layout |
preferredProtocol | UDP_ONLY |