Library package util for payment industry
Key features and benefits of the "card-validator-utils" package may include:
Credit Card Validation: The package offers functions to validate credit card numbers, ensuring they follow the correct format and meet specific criteria.
Card Type Detection: It provides functionality to detect the type of credit card based on the card number, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club etc.
Checksum Verification: The package includes algorithms to perform checksum verification on credit card numbers, ensuring the validity of the entered digits.
Expiration Date Validation: It offers functions to validate the expiration date of credit cards, checking if the date is in the future and adheres to the expected format.
Security Code (CVV/CVC) Validation: The package provides utilities to validate the security code (CVV/CVC) of credit cards, verifying the number of digits and ensuring it meets the expected format.
Luhn Algorithm Implementation: The Luhn algorithm, a common method for credit card validation, is implemented within the package to validate the correctness of credit card numbers.
npm i card-validator-utils
function return boolean
const { isCreditCard } = require("card-validator-utils");
function returns boolean based 44 digit input
44 digit is encrypted version of card number
const { isEncryptedToken } = require("card-validator-utils");
function to detect card type
currently it supports
- diners club
- visa
- mastercard
- american express
- discover
const { detectCardType } = require("card-validator-utils");
var cardType = detectCardType(cardNumber);
console.log(cardType); // Output: diners club
function to detect valida CVV or CVC number it can 3 0r 4 digit number.
const { validateCVVORCVCCode } = require("card-validator-utils");
validateCVVORCVCCode('424') // return true
function to check the valid expiration date
const { validateExpirationDate } = require("card-validator-utils");
validateExpirationDate('05','2025') // return true
function to test valid card number
const { validateCreditCardNumber } = require("card-validator-utils");
validateCreditCardNumber("4242424242424242") // returns boolean