An observable data structure
- Deep memory efficient prototypes
- Every value is observable
- Serializable references
- Fast reactive state management. Inspired by virtual-dom tree-diffing algorithms and merkle-trees
- Powerful query syntax
- Fast emitters
- Async helpers, work with generators, promises and iterators
- Low footprint (6kb gzipped)
const struct = require('brisky-struct')
const root = struct.create({ firstKey: 'value' })
root.serialize() // → { "firstKey": "value" }
⚠ Default behaviour is merge.
root.set({ second: { subKey: 'subValue' } })
root.serialize() // → { "firstKey": "value", "second": { "subKey": "subValue" } }
root.get('second').serialize() // → { "subKey": "subValue" }
root.keys() // → [ "firstKey", "second" ]
root.set({ firstKey: null })
root.get('firstKey') // → undefined
root.keys() // → [ "second" ]
const sub = root.get(['second', 'subKey'])
sub.compute() // → "subValue"
sub.key // → "subKey"
sub.path() // → ["second", "subKey"]
sub.parent().key // → "second"
sub.parent().serialize() // → { "subKey": "subValue" }
sub.root().serialize() // → { "second": { "subKey": "subValue" } }
sub.root() === root // → true
var results = []
root.set({ on: val => results.push(val) })
root.set({ third: 3 })
results // → [ { "third": 3 } ]
root.set({ on: { data: val => results.push(val) } })
root.set({ fourth: 4 })
results // → [ { "third": 3 }, { "fourth": 4 } ]
⚠ Only named listeners won't override existing listeners. Notice that fifth
appears twice in the results array.
root.set({ on: { data: { namedListener: val => results.push(val) } } })
root.set({ fifth: 5 })
results // → [ { "third": 3 }, { "fourth": 4 }, { "fifth": 5 }, { "fifth": 5 } ]
results = []
const third = root.get('third')
third.on(val => results.push(val))
results // → [ "changed" ]
root.set({ third: 'again' })
results // → [ "changed", "again" ]
results = []
const fourth = root.get('fourth')
fourth.once('four', val => results.push(val))
fourth.set('will be ignored')
results // → [ ]
results // → [ "four" ]
results = []
fourth.once().then(val => results.push(val))
results // → [ "changed" ]
fourth.set('will be ignored')
results // → [ "changed" ]
⚠ Events fired on a path can be listened only at exact same path.
const errors = []
root.on('error', err => errors.push(err))
root.emit('error', 'satellites are not aligned')
errors // → [ "satellites are not aligned" ]
sub.once('error', err => errors.push(err))
sub.emit('error', 'splines are not reticulated')
errors // → [ "satellites are not aligned", "splines are not reticulated" ]
Second parameter of get is a default value for the path.
⚠ It'll be set
and returned in absence of given path otherwise it'll be ignored.
root.get('firstKey', 'newValue').compute() // → "newValue"
root.get('firstKey').compute() // → "newValue"
root.get('fifth', 'newValue').compute() // → 5
⚠ Available methods are root
, parent
and compute
root.get(['firstKey', 'compute']) // → "newValue"
root.get(['second', 'subKey', 'parent']).serialize() // → { "subKey": "subValue" }
sub.get(['root', 'fifth', 'compute']) // → 5
Third parameter of set is a reset flag.
⚠ Second parameter is a stamp, will come to our plate on further chapters.
const second = root.get('second')
second.set({ newSubKey: 'newSubValue' })
second.serialize() // → { "subKey": "subValue", "newSubKey": "newSubValue" }
second.set({ onlySubKey: 'onlySubValue' }, void 0, true)
second.serialize() // → { "onlySubKey": "onlySubValue" }
const master = struct.create({
movies: {
tt0130827: {
year: 1998,
imdb: 7.7,
title: 'Run Lola Run'
tt0301357: {
year: 2003,
imdb: 7.7,
title: 'Good Bye Lenin'
tt0408777: {
year: 2004,
imdb: 7.5,
title: 'The Edukators'
const branchM = master.create({
movies: {
tt0130827: { favourite: true },
tt0408777: { favourite: true }
const branchJ = master.create({
movies: {
tt0301357: { favourite: true }
master.get('userName') // → undefined
branchM.get(['movies', 'tt0408777']).serialize()
// → { "year": 2004, "imdb": 7.5, "title": "The Edukators", "favourite": true }
branchJ.get(['movies', 'tt0408777']).serialize()
// → { "year": 2004, "imdb": 7.5, "title": "The Edukators" }
master.get(['movies', 'tt0408777']).serialize()
// → { "year": 2004, "imdb": 7.5, "title": "The Edukators" }
master.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating'], 'R')
branchJ.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating', 'compute']) // → "R"
branchM.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating', 'compute']) // → "R"
branchJ.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating']).set('G')
branchM.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating', 'compute']) // → "R"
master.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating']).set('PG')
branchM.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating', 'compute']) // → "PG"
branchJ.get(['movies', 'tt0130827', 'rating', 'compute']) // → "G"