Seqy is an events sequentializer. Need to process events in a specific order? Seqy can help.
graph TD
A[Seqy] --> B(Seqy.Processbook)
A --> C[topic_1_supervisor]
A --> D[topic_2_supervisor]
C --> E[topic_1_queue_1]
C --> F[topic_1_queue_2]
When Seqy
is started, it also starts Seqy.Processbook
and a supervisor for each sequence topic configured.
is responsible for storing the pid
of the process that would handle the processing of a specific event queue.
Once you enqueue an event, Seqy
would check in the processbook if there's an active handler for the specific queue_id
If there's none, Seqy
would start an instance of the handler under the corresponding topic supervisor. When all the events are
exhausted, the handler for the specific queue would terminate.
Add seqy
as a dependency on your mix.exs
def deps do
{:seqy, "~> 0.1.0"}
To make Seqy work, you need to define the topic of the sequence, event actions (in order) and handler module.
config :seqy,
topics: [
name: :user_purchase,
actions: [:"user.created", :"user.purchased", :"user.paid"],
handler: MyApp.EventHandler
should have the desired order for processing the events.
Before enqueueing events with Seqy, you need to define a handler for the topic.
To define a handler, create a module that use
the Seqy.Handler
module. Then,
implement the handle/1
callback for each event you expect in the sequence.
defmodule MyApp.EventHandler do
use Seqy.Handler
require Logger
def handle(%Seqy.Event{action: :"user.created", args: %{user_id: user_id}}) do"#{user_id} has been created.")
def handle(%Seqy.Event{action: :"user.purchased", args: %{user_id: user_id}}) do"#{user_id} has purchased an item.")
def handle(%Seqy.Event{action: :"user.paid", args: %{user_id: user_id}}) do"#{user_id} has paid.")
With the event handler ready, we can start enqueueing events to Seqy.
%{action: :"user.created", queue_id: "user_id:1", topic: :user_purchase, args: %{user_id: 1}}
|> Seqy.enqueue()
An event should have the ff:
- event action that would be used for orderingqueue_id
- this would be used as the routing keytopic
- topic of the sequence you declared in your configargs
- event payload