Bina helps you finding all callers of a function in your Elixir project. This is useful while debugging or refactoring. For example:
$ mix bina MyModule.my_fun/1
MyModule.my_fun/1 is called at file_1.ex
MyModule.my_fun/1 is called at file_2.ex
MyModule.my_fun/1 is called at file_3.ex
Bina uses compilation tracers, which allows modules to observe constructs handled by the Elixir compiler when compiling files.
The easiest way to add Bina to your project is by using Mix. Add :mix_bina
a dev dependency to your project's mix.exs
defp deps do
{:mix_bina, "~> 0.1", only: [:dev], runtime: false}
And run:
$ mix bina MyModule.my_fun/1
In Portuguese, "bina" is the caller ID phone feature. Bina is actually the abbreviation for "B identifies number of A".
Bina is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.