This is a simple project made with the purpose of testing the GraphQL's Subscription feature.
The focus of this project is the WebSocket comunication using Apollo Server + Client with React, so I didn't spend much time with the interface and bugs.
Not recommended for < 1024px large screens.
- Make sure you have the latest version of Node and Docker installed.
- Change the name off the .env.example file on /backend to .env
Linux / OSX
- Run
make install
- Run
make up
Other OS
- Run a container with mongodb:
docker run -t twitter-db -p 27017:27107 -d mongo:latest
- Make sure you have two terminal tabs open
- Run
on /frontend and /backend - Run
yarn start
on /frontend on one tab and /backend on the other
- Type any Name and Username
- Open a new browser window and "#" with another name and username
- See the real-time comunication between clients.