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Live profiling with Grafana Pyroscope


This repository provides several services to demonstrate the features of the Grafana Pyroscope live profiling service.

Demo applications

  • The cook service, written in Go, that:
    • interacts with a PostgreSQL database to retrieve restaurant data: menu, dishes, ingredients
    • serves this data over an HTTP API
  • The waiter service, written in Python, that:
    • exposes an HTTP API to query data for a given restaurant
    • relays HTTP requests to the cook service


  • A PostgreSQL 15 database to store and retrieve data
  • A Redis key-value store to cache request responses

Load testing

  • Locust scenarii to run load testing sessions on the cook and waiter services
  • Toxiproxy network proxy to simulate network latency/jitter between the cook and postgres services


  • Prometheus times-series database to store application metrics
  • Pyroscope to store and explore live profiling data
  • Grafana to explore live profiling data stored by Pyroscope

TL;DR - Service Addresses

Service Address Role
Cook API http://localhost:8080 Go HTTP API backed by a PostgreSQL database
Cook Locust http://localhost:8090 Load tests for the Cook API
Waiter API http://localhost:8081 Python HTTP API backed by the Cook HTTP API
Waiter Locust http://localhost:8089 Load tests for the Waiter API
Grafana http://localhost:3000 Visualization & dashboards
PostgreSQL localhost:5432 Relational database for restaurant data
Prometheus http://localhost:9090 Time-series database
Redis localhost:6379 Key-value store for API caches
Pyroscope http://localhost:4040 Live profiling
Toxiproxy API http://localhost:8474 Simulate network latency/jitter




Demo stack


  1. Prepare the dataset for the demo
  2. Build the cook application and populate the database

Run services with Docker

Pull the Docker images for the service containers:

$ docker compose pull

Build the application containers:

$ docker compose build cook waiter

Start the Docker services:

$ docker compose up -d

Run load test scenarii with Locust

Create and activate a Python virtualenv for Locust:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r loadtest/requirements.txt

Example - Run load tests on the waiter service's v1 API:

$ make locust-waiter-v1