My name is Nay. I'm DevOps Engineer.
I'm studying at ๐จ๐ปโ๐ป 42 Bangkok.
I have a variety of interests:
- ๐ Graduated from Aerospace Engineer at Kasetsart University
- โค๏ธ Founder of Good Geek Club
- โ๏ธ worked with DevOps
- ๐ฎ Gamer is my life
- ๐น๏ธ Final Fantasy Fan
- โฝ Love to play football
You can also meet me in Eozear World Araiva Leonhart
... love to meet challenging thing ๐ค

More information about these 42 bangkok projects
Rank | Project | Language | Grade | Description |
0 | libft | C | 125% | Create a library of basic functions. |
1 | get_next_line | C | 125% | Read a single line from a file descriptor, can be used in a loop. |
1 | ft_printf | C | 125% | Recode the standard C library function, printf. |
1 | born2beroot | Linux | 125% | Create a virtual machine to host a Debian server. |
2 | minitalk | C | 125% | create communication between 2 programe, server and client. |
2 | so_long | C | 125% | Create a 2D graphic game like classic 90's era. |
2 | push_swap | C | 125% | Sort a list of random integers in the least amount of moves possible. |
3 | philosophers | C | 125% | Solve the dining philosophers problem with semaphores. |
3 | minishell | C | 125% | Create a minitature shell program. Team project. |
4 | net_practice | N/A | 100% | Solve IP addressing and network issues in a training interface. |
4 | Cpp_Modules | C++ | 100% | Create a series of small C++ programs. |
4 | MiniRT | C | 115% | Create the beautiful world of Raytracing. |
5 | Inception | Linux | 125% | Create multiple docker container to deploy your wordpress server. |
5 | Webserv | C++ | 125% | Create your own HTTP server like Ngnix |
6 | ft_transcendence | HTML,TS,SQL | 120% | Create online 2 players pingpong game. |