The script is my first ever shell script public code. It is built for my custom requirement but I have made it generic so anyone can use it as needed.
The script is divided into following parts and can be used as per your requirement:
- Defining the configuration file for your requirement
- Creating SQL Database with new or existing users
- Installing wordpress in custom defined directory with WP-CLI
- Defininig the wordpress installation metadata - Title, Username, Password and Email.
- Installing default wordpress plugin automatically with WP-CLI
- Copying the wordpress backup zip file with custom source and destination. This is optional step.
- This is built for copying the latest zip file from wp-clone backup folder to your destination WP-Clone backup folder
- You would have already taken the backup from WP-Clone plugin manually for the current website.
- To restore the backup you need navigate to newly installed wordpress site and then restore from WP-Clone interface.
Key Points & Assumptions:
- Passing correct values from user interface or from the configuration file.
- You can change the config file name as needed but please ensure to modify the source in the too.
- Script has lot of customizations please make use of it as needed.
- Author does not take any responsibility of your data loss or any configuration loss.