• In this code patterns and texts get as external txt files.
• When this code runs it ask pattern file and text file as a inputs from the user.
• You should be able to give the correct file names as a input.
• As an example, the pattern which saved in “pattern1.txt” and text file which save in “text1.txt “.
• When code ask file names then you should give the right filename that is pattern1.txt and text1.txt .
• Also Output file name take from user.
• You can give any meaning full name to it.
• You must enter filename and its’s extension.
• As an example, if you want to save your output in file name output1 you must enter “output1.txt” as an input.

Calculate Next Shifting Position: Position = position + Hpbc[text[position + (lengthofpattern -1 ) ]]