*PythonNotebook for training your model is there in model folder.
Clone the Project
git clone https://github.com/vishnu0179/HateSpeechRecognition.git
Use the package manager npm to install dependencies.
npm install
Run to install dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the server at port 8000: (http://localhost:8000/)
npm start
Our project comprises of a web application and a desktop application. The web application comes with two features which are followed as twitter user analysis and hashtag analysis . The feature of twitter user analysis helps to analyse previous tweets of a particular twitter handle from his/her timeline and determines the amount of negativity in the tweets. The feature of Hashtag analysis helps to get the hate percentage of tweets for that hashtag or topic by analysing previous 15000 tweets from current timestamp. This can be used to measure variation of hate sentiments present in the speaker’s speech with respect to time. The measure of hate sentiment is depicted using a 2-D plot. In addition to this, the desktop app can apply the real time speech analysis to audio and video source files too.
In this project , we need real tweets from any particular twitter handler account or from any hashtag using tweepy library We have converted everything into modules for the sake of simplicity:
When we are done with feching tweets, we need to clean the tweets i.e removing any hyperlinks, unnecessary dates, special symbols, numerical values so that the tweets contain only words from english corpus. Then we imported stopwords from english corpus, and removes them from the tweets.
Then converting every word present in the tweets to its base form so that for every verb a particular word is present ( that two words with different tense and form aren’t treated as different words).
We are using TF - IDF vectorization for converting textual data to numeric data that a machine can understand. In TF-IDF, the words which occurs often are assigned a low tf-Idf value so they are of low importance.
TF (Term Frequency) measures the frequency of a word in a document.
TF = (Number of time the word occurs in the text) / (Total number of words in text)
IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) measures the rank of the specific word for its relevancy within the text. Stop words which contain unnecessary information such as “a”, “into” and “and” carry less importance in spite of their occurrence.
IDF = (Total number of documents / Number of documents with word t in it)
Thus, the TF-IDF is the product of TF and IDF: TF-IDF = TF * IDF
In this we have used logistic regeression, We can call a Logistic Regression a Linear Regression model but the Logistic Regression uses a more complex cost function, this cost function can be defined as the ‘Sigmoid function’ or also known as the ‘logistic function’ instead of a linear function. The hypothesis of logistic regression tends it to limit the cost function between 0 and 1.
Sigmoid Function: In order to map predicted values to probabilities, we use the Sigmoid function. The function maps any real value into another value between 0 and 1.
Decision: We basically decide with a threshold value above which we classify values into Class 1 and of the value goes below the threshold then we classify it in Class 2.
Cost Function: The cost function represents optimization objective i.e. we create a cost function and minimize it so that we can develop an accurate model with minimum error.
Gradient Descent: Now we reduce the cost value by using Gradient Descent. The main goal of Gradient descent is to minimize the cost value. i.e. min J(θ). Now to minimize our cost function we need to run the gradient descent function on each parameter i.e.
In prediction , we input a csv file containing fetched tweets and the output we get a plot how much of it is hate-speech . We got the following plot for the test data and got accuracy of 96%.
**Accuracy** : 0.961456638718558
Now we have successfully trained the model , and the vector with optimal values are saved along with the model, so that it can be directly imported and used . We did this by using Jobutil library.