Reproducible Tract Profiles - preprocessing.
This gear takes diffusion images, bvec and bval files, and optionally a T1 and preprocess them. The output of this gear is prepared to go to RTP-pipeline.
This gear is an adaptation from mrTrix's ( recommended preprocessing procedure implemented in Brainlife (
- Document different preprocessing options.
- Include other vistalab tools in the same gear to have a complete set of solutions in the same gear. Right now it is required to launch them separately.
- dwi-bvec-flip-detect
- dwi-flip-bvec
- dwi-acpc-anat-normalize
For most of the cases, the steps will be:
- Run RTP-preproc: select the option to align dwi data with anatomy
- Run dwi-bvec-flip-detect: if the bvec is flipped, it will detect it and flip it automatically.
- Run RTP-pipeline