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July 2014

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@francopestilli francopestilli released this 03 Jul 01:14
· 19 commits to master since this release

This release contains enhancements in speed and functionality of the LiFE software.

The new version of LiFE uses a different fitting procedure to solve the non-negative least square problem (see feFitModel.m). The new code is faster than the previous version and by eliminating the stochastic gradient descent method used in v0.1 it does not require two diffusion data sets to solve the minimization and determine the fascicle weights.

Furthermore, the new code comprises new functions to compute:

  • Strength of Evidence
  • Earth Movers Distance
  • Virtual Lesions

Finally, the help and in-line documentation of many of the functions has been improved and expanded.

Franco Pestilli, PhD, Stanford University 2014