ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (abbreviated as ACM-ICPC or ICPC) is an annual multi-tiered competitive programming competition among the universities of the world.
Alternately, we can say that the International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college students.
- Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve real-world problems, fostering collaboration, creativity, innovation, and the ability to perform under pressure.
- Through training and competition, teams challenge each other to raise the bar on what could be done.
- Quite simply, it is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world.
ACM-ICPC Algorithms is a collection of every algorithm and data structure used to solve questions in this worldwide olympiad. It aims to provide solutions in various languages as per ICPC 2018 WF, including:
- C
- C++
- Java
- Python (2 & 3)
- Kotlin.
If you know algorithms but don't know a particular language, this can help you understand ICPC algorithms in any language.
If you wish to contribute, please refer to the contributor guidelines.
For more information, visit: Official Website of ICPC
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