Order-independent semi-transparent ambient occlusion renderers based on KVS.
Clone AmbientOcclusionRendering repository from GitHub as follows:
$ git clone https://github.com/vizlab-kobe/AmbientOcclusionRendering.git
Build AmbientOcclusionRendering library required to compile each application in App and Test.
$ cd AmbientOcclusionRendering
$ cd Lib
$ ./kvsmake.py
If necessary, rebuild the library as follows:
$ ./kvsmake.py rebuild
Some of the test programs are in the Test directory. All of these programs can be built using the kvsmake command in each test program directory (XXX).
$ cd Test
$ cd XXX
$ kvsmake -G
$ kvsmake
$ ./run.sh
Note: Some of test programs require (e.g. Test/SSAOPolygonRendering) a test data, bunny.ply, for executing run.sh. These dataset can be downloaded from KVS.data
The App directory contains several application programs. To build and run these application programs, refer to the ReadMe files in each directories.
The library includes the following classes used in the test programs and application programs. All of classes included in the library are defined in the namespace of AmbientOcclusionRendering
A class that facilitates buffers for screen space ambient occlusion. -
Polygon renderer class with screen space ambient occlusion effect. -
Stylized line renderer class with screen space ambient occlusion effect. -
Order-independent semi-transparent polygon renderer class with screen space ambient occlusion effect. -
Order-independent semi-transparent stylized line renderer class with screen space ambient occlusion effect. A opacity value can be specified for the streamlines. -
Order-independent semi-transparent tetrahedra renderer class with screen space ambient occlusion effect. -
Order-independent semi-transparent tube renderer class with screen space ambient occlusion effect[1,2]. The opacities can be specified for each vertex of streamlines by using the transfer function. -
Order-independent semi-transparent uniform grid renderer class with screen space ambient occlusion effect. The opacities can be specified for each vertex by using the transfer function.
- 藤田 泰之, 坂本 尚久, 確率的半透明流線可視化向けアンビエントオクルージョン, 第47回 可視化情報シンポジウム, 2019. [repo]
- Yasuyuki Fujita, Naohisa Sakamoto, Koji Koyamada, Ambient Occulusion for Semi-transparent Streamlines with Stochastic Rendering Technique, The 15th Asia Symposium on Visualization (ASV15), Abstract files (ASV-0205), 2019. [repo]