PVX is a (work in progress) PASETO implementation for Go programming language. Currently, library supports version 2 and version 4, and partially version 3 local purpose (if you need NIST-approved algorithms), but it is under active development, does not have unnecessary dependencies and has greater than 86% of test coverage.
You can use https://github.com/o1egl/paseto if you are looking for version 1.
Why this library exists:
- https://paragonie.com/blog/2017/03/jwt-json-web-tokens-is-bad-standard-that-everyone-should-avoid
- https://www.howmanydayssinceajwtalgnonevuln.com
Check "Intended Use-Cases for PASETO" before using this library. https://paseto.io/rfc/draft-00
A minimal version is 1.14
go get -u github.com/vk-rv/pvx
Encrypt / Decrypt
k, err := hex.DecodeString("707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f")
if err != nil {
return err
symK := pvx.NewSymmetricKey(k, pvx.Version4)
pv4 := pvx.NewPV4Local()
token, err := pv4.Encrypt(symK, claims, pvx.WithAssert([]byte("test")))
if err != nil {
return err
cc := MyClaims{}
err = pv4.
Decrypt(token, symK, pvx.WithAssert([]byte("test"))).
if err != nil {
return err
// work with cc claims ...
// or without assert
token, err := pv4.Encrypt(symK, claims)
if err != nil {
return err
err = pv4.Decrypt(token, symK).ScanClaims(&cc)
// more info about implicit asserts is here
// https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec/blob/master/docs/Rationale-V3-V4.md#implicit-assertions-feature
Sign / Verify
publicKey, privateKey, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(nil)
sk := pvx.NewAsymmetricSecretKey(privateKey, pvx.Version4)
pk := pvx.NewAsymmetricPublicKey(publicKey, pvx.Version4)
pv4 := pvx.NewPV4Public()
token, err := pv4.Sign(sk, claims, pvx.WithAssert([]byte("test")))
if err != nil {//...}
var claims MyClaims
if err := pv4.Verify(token, pk, pvx.WithAssert([]byte("test")).ScanClaims(&claims); err != nil {//...}
// more info about implicit asserts is here
// https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec/blob/master/docs/Rationale-V3-V4.md#implicit-assertions-feature
If you need NIST-approved algorithms
k, err := hex.DecodeString("707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f")
if err != nil {
return err
symK := pvx.NewSymmetricKey(k, pvx.Version3)
pv3 := pvx.NewPV3Local()
token, err := pv3.Encrypt(symK, claims, pvx.WithAssert([]byte("test")))
if err != nil {
return err
cc := MyClaims{}
err = pv3.
Decrypt(token, symK, pvx.WithAssert([]byte("test"))).
if err != nil {
return err
// work with cc claims ...
// or without assert
token, err := pv3.Encrypt(symK, claims)
if err != nil {
return err
err = pv3.Decrypt(token, symK).ScanClaims(&cc)
// more info about implicit asserts is here
// https://github.com/paseto-standard/paseto-spec/blob/master/docs/Rationale-V3-V4.md#implicit-assertions-feature
PVX adds extra layer of security by adding validation of time-based registered claims during a scan by default. During validation multiple errors can occur, and you can check every of them by calling sugar routines on special type.
// For additional layer of safety,
// ScanClaims verifies exp, iss and nbf claims automatically under the hood and you can check whether validation error occurred or not
if err := decrypted.ScanClaims(&myClaimsScanned); err != nil {
var validationErr *pvx.ValidationError
if errors.As(err, &validationErr) {
if validationErr.HasExpiredErr() {
// handle
if validationErr.HasNotBeforeErr() {
// handle
You can also use extend validation rules implementing Claims interface on your custom type
type MyClaims struct {
AdditionalData string
OtherData string
func (c *MyClaims) Valid() error {
validationErr := &pvx.ValidationError{}
// first, check the validity of registered claims
if err := c.RegisteredClaims.Valid(); err != nil {
errors.As(err, &validationErr)
// then, perform custom validation
return nil
To disable validation of registered claims you should implement Claims interface explicitly returning nil in your checks. This is from design.
A library has a work in progress status because currently is the next iteration of the PASETO specification. https://paragonie.com/blog/2021/08/paseto-is-even-more-secure-alternative-jose-standards-jwt-etc