FieldControl is a Notes application that allows quick viewing, modifing, deletiting and creating fields in Notes documents in a convenient way. The main purpose of FieldControl is to modify fields that cannot be modified via existing forms...
Original FC was for R5 (as of 2005, non-opensource, , see screenshots there)
Current FieldControl is original FC without key checking and R9 main issues eliminated.
TODO: test in R10
- Copy *.LSS from includes folder into Notes program folder
- Open Domino Designer
- Menu->Window->Show Eclipse Views->Navigator
- In Navigator -> click RMB->New->Project->General->Project->Next->uncheck "Use default location"->Browse->select folder with project files (like>OK->Fill in Project name->Finish
- Select project created on previos step->click RMB->Team Development->associate with new NSF->Fill in new DB name->Finish
- Open FieldControl DB in IBM Notes ("About" document must be opened by itself)
- Proceed with install steps there
- Create your own FieldControl in R9
- Make a copy of FieldControl DB via IBM Notes, explicitly specifying R5 ODS (specify ns5 extension for the new copy, like FieldControl.ns5)
- Use this *.ns5 DB in any Notes release, starting from R5