SeisGram2K in a Docker container
SeisGram2K Seismogram Viewer is an easy-to-use, platform-independent, Java software package for interactive visualization and analysis of earthquake seismograms developed by Anthony Lomax anthony[at]
More info here:
$ git clone
$ cd docker_SeisGram2K
$ docker build --tag seisgram2k70 .
Download and install XQuartz:
Enable flag: Preferences -> Security -> Allow connections from network clients.
Get your IP address and use it to start docker below:
$ ifconfig | grep "inet"
. . .
inet netmask 0xff800000 broadcast
. . .
run the command:
$ xhost + <your_ip_address>
open XQuartz App and start docker:
$ docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=<your_ip_address>:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix seisgram2k70
Check SeisGram2K version:
$ docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=<your_ip_address>:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix seisgram2k70 -version
(under development)
Please, feel free to contribute.
The SeisGram2K software was developed by Anthony Lomax anthony[at]