Many visual effects:
- Support effect and custom styles
- Animation based on Canvas and requestAnimationFrame
npm i vudio --save
# or install by yarn
yarn add vudio
import Vudio from 'vudio'
using CDN:
<script src=""></script>
Use Vudio
var vudio = new Vudio(HTMLAudioElement | MediaStream, HTMLCanvasElement, [option]);;
<canvas width="256px" height="100px" id="canvas"></canvas>
<audio src="./path/to/audio.mp3" controls id="audio"></audio>
<script src="path/to/vudio.js"></script>
Since AudioContext can NOT use CORS resource, so make sure you have fully control of audio resource
var audioObj = document.querySelector('#audio');
var canvasObj = document.querySelector('#canvas');
var vudio = new Vudio(audioObj, canvasObj, {
effect : 'waveform', // waveform, circlewave, circlebar, lighting (4 visual effect)
accuracy : 128, // number of freqBar, must be pow of 2.
width : 256, // canvas width
height : 100, // canvas height
waveform : {
maxHeight : 80, // max waveform bar height
minHeight : 1, // min waveform bar height
spacing: 1, // space between bars
color : '#f00', // string | [string] color or waveform bars
shadowBlur : 0, // blur of bars
shadowColor : '#f00',
fadeSide : true, // fading tail
horizontalAlign : 'center', // left/center/right, only effective in 'waveform'/'lighting'
verticalAlign: 'middle' // top/middle/bottom, only effective in 'waveform'/'lighting'
// pause as you wish
// change option reactively.
waveform : {
color : '#06f',
verticalAlign: 'bottom'
Online Demo:
Listen netease music and watch visualization in VSCode :) Install by vsix file
related issue: nondanee/vsc-netease-music#63
Inspired and based on