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Angular Universal Navbar

Suported Angular versions: 17.


Click here to try it on StackBlitz


Add the package as a dependency to your project using:

npm install angular-universal-navbar

Add module to you app.module imports:

import { AngularUniversalNavbarComponent, NavItem } from 'angular-universal-navbar';
  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [AngularUniversalNavbarComponent],

Define navbar items in the component(OPTIONAL) If you do not define the navbar items the navbar will not be shown:

navItems = [
    name: 'First',
    route: 'first',
    styles: {
      marginLeft: 'auto'
    name: 'Second',
    children: [
        name: 'Second First',
        route: 'second-first'
        name: 'Second Second',
        route: 'second-second'
    name: 'Fifth',
    styles: {
      marginRight: 'auto'
    classes: [
    component: SettingsComponent,
    component: UserComponent,
    componentData: {
      user: 'NV'

In the component template add selector and pass the navbar items. Also, inside selector add router-outlet or any app content you wish.


Define sidebar items in the component(OPTIONAL) If you do not define the sidebar items the sidebar will not be shown:

sideItems: NavItem[] = [
    component: LogoComponent,
    styles: {
      marginTop: '5px',
      marginBottom: '50px'
    name: 'Sidebar first',
    route: 'first',
    name: 'Sidebar third',
    route: 'third'
    name: 'Sidebar fourth',
    route: 'fourth'
    name: 'Sidebar fifth',

In the component template add selector and pass the sidebar items. Also, inside selector add router-outlet or any app content you wish.


Navitem is defined as follows.

export interface NavItem {
    name?: string;
    route?: string;
    children?: NavItem[]; 
    component?: Type<any>;
    componentData?: any;
    styles?: {[key: string]: string};
    classes?: string[];

There are three possible options:

  1. Define only name and route which will result as default navbar item as a text field:
      name: 'Third',
      route: 'third'
  1. Define name and its children and it will result as dropdown:
      name: 'Second',
      children: [
          name: 'Second First',
          route: 'second-first'
          name: 'Second Second',
          route: 'second-second'
  1. Create custom component and render it inside navbar.
      component: UserComponent,
      componentData: {
        user: 'NV'

You are able to pass data to custom component, shown above which is equivalent to this:


For all options, you are able to pass custom classes and styles:

      name: 'Fifth',
      styles: {
        marginRight: 'auto'
      classes: [

You can change styles directly in your global styles file (styles.css or styles.scss).

.universal-navbar .active, .universal-sidebar .active{
    color: black !important;
    background-color: rgb(234, 233, 233)  !important;

    background-color: burlywood;


This is universal navbar component for Angular








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