Copyright (c) 2013 Tobias Zeising,
Licensed under the GPLv3 license
Version 2.3-SNAPSHOT
- upload all files of this folder (IMPORTANT: also upload the invisible .htaccess files)
- make the directories data/cache, data/favicons, data/logs, data/thumbnails, data/sqlite and public/ writeable
- insert database access data in config.ini (you have not to change anything if you would like to use sqlite)
- create cronjob for updating feeds and point it to http:///update via wget or curl.
For further questions or on any problem use our support forum:
- backup your database and your "data" folder
- (IMPORTANT: don't delete the "data" folder) delete all old files and folders excluding the folder "data"
- upload all new files and folders excluding the data folder (IMPORTANT: also upload the invisible .htaccess files)
- Rename your folder /data/icons into /data/favicons
- Delete the files /public/all.css and /public/all.js
- Clean your browser cache
- insert your current database connection and your individual configuration in config.ini. Important: we change the config.ini and add new options in newer versions. You have to update the config.ini too.
For further questions or on any problem use our support forum:
Visit the page http:///opml for importing your OPML File. If you are a user of the google reader then use to get all your feeds in one opml file.
Version 2.3-SNAPSHOT
- new shortcut library jquery hotkeys (thanks a lot to Sigill)
- new shortcut for mark as read and switch to next in one step (thanks a lot to Sigill)
- prevent error on png conversion
- items will be saved in mysql databases also no icon is available
Version 2.2
- update fat free php Framework to 3.0.5
- new opml import page (thanks a lot to Michael Moore)
Version 2.1
- security bugfix
Version 2.0
- support of tags
- new user interface
- new interface for mobile devices
- mongodb database interface temporarily removed
- libs and third party plugins updated
- new spout for and with full text
Version 1.3
- search will now also search in the source title (for filtering by source)
- data/icons renamed in data/favicons for preventing mod_rewrite problems on apache
- improved scrolling for very long entries (thanks untitaker)
- Using more restrictive styles on entry content (thanks untitaker)
- redirect to base url on login/logout (thanks untitaker)
- improved base url handling
Version 1.2
- new json API for external software
- support for Android selfoss app
- improved heise spout
- some smaller bugfixes (e.g. increased session timeout)
Version 1.1
- hash password (you can set the salt in the config.ini and you can generate a password with following URL:
- remove unused CSS
- minify JavaScript and CSS and collect them all in one all.js and all.css file
- activate caching and compression in .htaccess (if supported by current apache installation)
- code optimization and smaller bugfixes
Special thanks to the great programmers of this libraries which will be used in selfoss:
- FatFree PHP Framework:
- SimplePie:
- jQuery:
- jQuery UI:
- WideImage:
- htmLawed:
- PHP Universal Feed Generator:
- twitteroauth:
- floIcon:
- jQuery hotkeys:
- jsmin:
- cssmin:
- Spectrum Colorpicker:
- jQuery custom content scroller:
Icon Source: