Because I was in trouble for to maintain my notes. Some were in Google Docs, another in simples files in my computer, another in my notebook. In summary, a mess!
Therefore, I decided to create a tool where I could write my notes in a simple and fast way. And more, I’ m planning, to do the search in a very nice way to find my notes.
Snote is a tool to help you to store your knowledge, after all, is a sucks, don’t remember something you know.
- Rails 3 – a really cool framework for web apps
- Devise – a brazilian gem very simple and nice for authentication stuff
- Acts-as-taggable-on – ow! Tags in a simple way!
- RedCloth – module for using the textile markup language
- Haml – less code and more legible code in views
You can run Snote running the following commands:
$ git clone git:// && cd snote $ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml $ bundle install $ rake db:create $ rake db:migrate $ rails s
- Fabrício Campos (
If you would collaborate, you can create a fork, apply the modification and submit a pull request :)