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Solutions for Deep-ML

Activation functions

ID Title
22 Sigmoid
23 Softmax
39 Log Softmax
42 ReLU
44 Leaky ReLU
96 Hard Sigmoid
97 ELU
98 PReLU
99 Softplus
100 Softsign
102 Swish
103 SELU

Linear algebra

ID Title
1 Matrix times vector
2 Matrix transpose
3 Matrix reshape
4 Matrix mean
5 Matrix scalar multiplication
6 Matrix eigenvalues
7 Matrix transformation
8 Matrix inverse
9 Matrix times matrix
11 Linear systems using Jacobi method
12 Matrix SVD using direct method
13 Matrix determinant Laplace expansion
27 Transformation matrix from basis to another basis
28 Matrix SVD using eigen vectors
35 Vector to diagonal matrix
37 Correlation matrix
48 Matrix RREF (reduced row echelon form)
55 Translation matrix
57 Linear systems using Gauss-Seidel
58 Linear systems using Gaussian elimination
63 Linear systems using conjugate gradient
65 Compressed row sparse matrix (CSR)
66 Projecting a vector onto another vector
67 Compressed column sparse matrix (CSC)
68 Matrix column space using RREF
74 Composite hypervector
76 Vector cosine similarity
83 Vector dot product
84 Phi transform