Python cd script for linux/unix systems
A better cd utility for linux shell . Inspired by autojump and Charles Leifer's blog post
Pattern matching from history of browsed files using "pcd"
Example 1: Same Weight folders /home//Documents and Downloads are 9 characters each, so more recent is preferred
$ pcd Downloads/
$ pcd /home/<user-name>
$ pcd D # goes to Downloads folder
$ pcd /home/<user-name>/Documents
$ pcd /home/<user-name>
$ pcd D #Now goes to Documents folder because Documents is more recent
$ pcd Dow #Will go to Downloads
$ pcd D # Will remain in downloads
Example 2: Different weight folders /home//py-src , /home//py-build start with 'py-' but build has more characters /home/username/py-build so py-src is preferred because it is shorter
$ pcd py-src
$ pcd /home/<user-name>
$ pcd py-build
$ pcd /home/<user-name>
$ pcd py # py-src is preferred typing py-b would have taken you to build
List ten recent visits of directories using -l option Example 3: List and select
$ pcd -l #prints list of ten recent folders input number to navigate
Clone Repository
$ git clone
$ sudo