CIndex.jl provides a wrapping of libclang for the Julia language ( The goal of CIndex.jl is to facilitate access to C and C++ source parse trees from Julia.
libclang is the stable interface to the Clang compiler from the LLVM project. libclang provides a C interface to a subset of Clang functionality, with a primary focus on exposing the C/C++/ObjC parser AST.
libclang API docs:
Preliminary. Most CXType, CXCursor, and C++ related functions are wrapped, and a few convenience functions are provided.
All testing and development so far has been on Ubuntu 12.04.1 (64-bit)
Clone this repository, and do the following (sh syntax):
export JULIAHOME=/path/to/julia
cd /location/of/CIndex.jl/lib
using cindex
julia> tu = tu_init("Index.h") # Initialize and parse Index.h
julia> topcu = tu_cursor(tu) # get TU top cursor
julia> topcl = children(topcu)
julia> topcl.size
julia> cu = topcl[350]
julia> cu_kind(cu) == cindex.CurKind.FUNCTIONDECL
julia> name(topcl[350])
"clang_parseTranslationUnit(CXIndex, const char *, const char *const *, int, struct CXUnsavedFile *, unsigned int, unsigned int)"
See the examples/ and util/ folders for further usage scenarios. CIndex.jl is partially self-generating, including parsing of the enums (util/gencindex_h.jl)
There is a small convenience API exported by cindex:
tu_init # init and parse file to TranslationUnit
tu_cursor # get top cursor from TranslationUnit
children # gets CXCursor children; accessed by ref.
cu_kind # cindex.CurKind enum
ty_kind # cindex.TypKind enum
name # get the DisplayName of a CXCursor
spelling # get spelling of a CXCursor or CXType
cu_file # file in which cursor was declared
is_function # CXCursor or CXType
is_null # CXCursor
For documentation of wrapped CIndex functions, see:
For a nice introduction to some capabilities and limitations (fewer now) of the libclang API, see this post:
libclang must be available as a shared library. libclang can optionally be built by the Julia build system by setting BUILD_LLVM_CLANG=1 in julia/deps/Makefile.
Most libclang functions pass and return small structs by value. As Julia does not (yet) have full struct support, the current CIndex.jl implementation includes a C++ wrapper. clang functions are wrapped by a C++ function that memcpys data to/from a Julia-owned memory array (passed by pointer)
see src/cindex_base.jl and src/wrapcindex.h for generated wrappers.
Some functions are manually wrapped for convenience and ease of implementation, or to provide a more Julia-friendly API.
see src/cindex.jl and src/wrapcindex.cpp
CIndex.jl is licensed under the MIT license.