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Advanced Development with djeo

Vladimir Elistratov edited this page May 7, 2013 · 6 revisions

Dojo Toolkit version

You will need Dojo Toolkit 1.8.3 to run your applications against all supported engines. This limitation comes from the fact that the current version (3.4) of ArcGIS API for JavaScript is based on Dojo Toolkit 1.8.3. If you are not interested in running djeo on ArcGIS API for JavaScript, you can try to use the latest Dojo Toolkit version.


To develop applications with the djeo library with all supported engines you are supposed to install the following repos:

  • djeo
  • dojo
  • dijit
  • djeo-leaflet (optional, Leaflet)
  • djeo-gmaps (optional, Google Maps API)
  • djeo-ge (optional, Google Earth Javascript API)
  • djeo-esri (optional, ArcGIS API for JavaScript)
  • djeo-ymaps (optional, Yandex Maps API)
  • dojox (optional, used by ArcGIS API for JavaScript engine; only dojox/gfx module is needed)
  • xstyle (optional, used by Leaflet engine)
  • tiles (optional, used by djeo native engine)
  • util (used to create builds)

Arrange all items as siblings, resulting in a directory structure as in the bullet list above.

To try demo applications you will need additionally the following repos:

Creating a customized build

You are advised to study the "Creating Builds" tutorial about Dojo's build system. Edit the djeo build profile djeo/djeo.profile.js and djeo config djeo/config.js in accordance with your needs and create your customized build.