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Add module to extract info on event types and their associated event …
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…interfaces (#952)

This adds a new default crawling module to Reffy that parses specs and extracts information
on event types, their associated event interfaces, the interfaces on which they can fire when
known, as well as on whether they bubble. Extracts also contain some information about
where the crawler found the event info in the spec.

Events extracts are created in an `events` folder.
  • Loading branch information
dontcallmedom authored Jun 16, 2022
1 parent d3d9e91 commit a6c9888
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Showing 4 changed files with 482 additions and 0 deletions.
317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions src/browserlib/extract-events.mjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
import informativeSelector from './informative-selector.mjs';
import extractWebIdl from './extract-webidl.mjs';
import {parse} from "../../node_modules/webidl2/index.js";
import getAbsoluteUrl from './get-absolute-url.mjs';

const isSameEvent = (e1, e2) =>
(e1.href && e1.href === e2.href) ||
(e1.type === e2.type && e1.targets?.sort()?.join("|") === e2.targets?.sort()?.join("|"));

const singlePage = !document.querySelector('[data-reffy-page]');

const href = el => el?.getAttribute("id") ? getAbsoluteUrl(el, {singlePage}) : null;

export default function (spec) {
// Used to find eventhandler attributes
const idl = extractWebIdl();
const idlTree = parse(idl);
const idlInterfaces = idlTree.filter(item =>
item.type === "interface" ||
item.type === "interface mixin");

// associate event names from event handlers to interfaces with such an handler
const handledEventNames = idlInterfaces
.map(iface => iface.members
.filter(m => m.idlType?.idlType === "EventHandler" && m.type === "attribute" &&"on"))
.map(m => [,]))
.reduce((acc, b) => {
if (!acc[b[0]]) acc[b[0]] = [];
return acc;
}, {});

function fromEventElementToTargetInterfaces(eventEl) {
if (!eventEl) return;

if (eventEl.dataset?.dfnFor || eventEl.dataset?.linkFor) {
return (eventEl.dataset.dfnFor || eventEl.dataset.linkFor).split(",").map(t => t.trim());
} else if (eventEl.getAttribute("href")?.startsWith("#")) {
const dfn = document.getElementById(eventEl.getAttribute("href").slice(1));
if (dfn && dfn.dataset?.dfnFor) {
return dfn.dataset.dfnFor.split(",").map(t => t.trim());
} else if (handledEventNames[eventEl.textContent]?.length) {
// Search for on<event> EventHandler in IDL
const matchingInterfaces = handledEventNames[eventEl.textContent];
if (matchingInterfaces.length === 1) {
// only one such handler, we assume it's a match
return matchingInterfaces;
} else {
console.error(`[reffy] Multiple event handler named ${eventEl.textContent}, cannot associate reliably to an interface in ${spec.title}`);

let events = [];
// Look for event summary tables
// ignore DOM spec which uses a matching table format
// to map to legacy event types
let hasStructuredData = false;
if (spec.shortname !== "dom") {
document.querySelectorAll("table").forEach(table => {
const firstHeading = table.querySelector("thead tr th")?.textContent?.trim();
if (firstHeading?.match(/^Event/) && firstHeading !== "Event handler") {
hasStructuredData = true;
// Useful e.g. for pointerevents
const bubblingInfoColumn = [...table.querySelectorAll("thead th")]
.findIndex(n => n.textContent.trim().match(/^bubbl/i));
const interfaceColumn = [...table.querySelectorAll("thead th")]
.findIndex(n => n.textContent.trim().match(/^interface/i));
table.querySelectorAll("tbody tr").forEach(tr => {
const event = {};
const eventEl = tr.querySelector("*:first-child").cloneNode(true);
const annotations = eventEl.querySelectorAll("aside, .mdn-anno");
annotations.forEach(n => n.remove());

let el = eventEl.querySelector("dfn,a");
if (el?.tagName === "A" && el?.getAttribute("href")?.startsWith("https:")) {
// we skip when we hit a link pointing to an external spec
// (this is needed since the HTML spec table includes
// links to pointer events)
if (!el) {
el = eventEl.querySelector("code");
if (!el) {
if (el.tagName === "DFN" && {
event.href = href(el);
} else if (el.tagName === "A") {
event.href = href(document.getElementById(el.getAttribute("href").slice(1)));
event.src = { format: "summary table", href: href(el.closest('*[id]')) };
event.type = eventEl.textContent.trim();
event.targets = fromEventElementToTargetInterfaces(eventEl.querySelector("dfn,a[href^='#']"));
if (bubblingInfoColumn >= 0) {
event.bubbles = tr.querySelector(`td:nth-child(${bubblingInfoColumn + 1})`)?.textContent?.trim() === "Yes";
if (interfaceColumn >= 0) {
event.interface =
tr.querySelector(`td:nth-child(${interfaceColumn + 1}) a`)?.textContent ??
tr.querySelector(`td:nth-child(${interfaceColumn + 1}) code`)?.textContent;
} else if (table.className === "event-definition") {
hasStructuredData = true;
// Format used e.g. in uievents
const eventName = table.querySelector("tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(2)")?.textContent.trim();
let iface = table.querySelector("tbody tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)")?.textContent.trim();
let bubbles = table.querySelector("tbody tr:nth-child(4) td:nth-child(2)")?.textContent?.trim() === "Yes";
// Prose description, we skip it
if (iface?.match(/\s/)) {
iface = null;
let targets = table.querySelector("tbody tr:nth-child(5) td:nth-child(2)")?.textContent?.split(",")?.map(t => t.trim());
if (targets && targets.find(t => t.match(/\s/))) {
// Prose description, skip it
targets = null;
if (eventName) {
type: eventName, interface: iface, targets, bubbles,
src: { format: "definition table", href: href(table.closest('*[id]')) },
href: href(table.closest('*[id]')) });
} else if (table.className === "def") {
// Used in
const rowHeadings = [...table.querySelectorAll("tbody th")];
if (!rowHeadings.find(th => th.textContent.trim() === "Bubbles")) {
const eventTypeRow = [...table.querySelectorAll("tbody th")].findIndex(n => n.textContent.trim().match(/^type/i));
const bubblingInfoRow = [...table.querySelectorAll("tbody th")].findIndex(n => n.textContent.trim() === "Bubbles");
const interfaceRow = [...table.querySelectorAll("tbody th")].findIndex(n => n.textContent.trim().match(/^interface/i));
const eventName = table.querySelector(`tr:nth-child(${eventTypeRow + 1}) td:nth-child(2)`)?.textContent?.trim();
const bubblesCell = table.querySelector(`tr:nth-child(${bubblingInfoRow + 1}) td:nth-child(2)`);
const bubbles = bubblesCell ? bubblesCell.textContent.trim() === "Yes" : null;
const iface = table.querySelector(`tr:nth-child(${interfaceRow + 1}) td:nth-child(2)`)?.textContent?.trim();
if (eventName) {
type: eventName, interface: iface, bubbles,
src: { format: "css definition table", href: href(table.closest('*[id]')) },
href: href(table.closest('*[id]')) });
// Look for the DOM-suggested sentence "Fire an event named X"
// or the Service Worker extension of "fire (a) functional event named"
.filter(a => !a.closest(informativeSelector) &&
(a.href === "" ||
a.href === "" ||
a.href === "" ||
a.href === "" ||
a.href === ""))
.forEach(a => {
const container = a.parentNode;
let phrasing;
let m = container.textContent.match(/fir(e|ing)\s+a(n|\s+pointer)\s+event\s+named\s+"?(?<eventName>[a-z]+)/i);
if (m) {
if (m[2] === "n") {
phrasing = "fire an event";
} else {
phrasing = "fire a pointer event";
} else {
m = container.textContent.match(/fir(e|ing)\sa?\s*functional\s+event\s+(named\s+)?"?(?<eventName>[a-z]+)/i);
if (m) {
phrasing = "fire functional event";
if (phrasing) {
const name = m.groups.eventName;
let newEvent = true;
let event = {
src: { format: "fire an event phrasing", href: href(a.closest('*[id]')) },
href: href(a.closest('*[id]'))
// this matches "fire an event named eventName" in battery-status and
// media capture main, named type in fullscreen, named e, event in html
if (name === 'eventName' || name === 'type' || name === 'e' || name === 'event') {
} else {
event.type = name;
// looking preferably for a or dfn elements, falling back to code
const eventEl =
[...container.querySelectorAll("a,dfn")].find(n => n.textContent.trim() === event.type) ||
[...container.querySelectorAll("code")].find(n => n.textContent.trim() === event.type);
if (eventEl) {
if (eventEl.tagName === "A" && eventEl.getAttribute("href")) {
// If the event being fired is from another spec, let's skip it
if (eventEl.getAttribute("href").startsWith("https://")) return;

// otherwise, use the target of the link as our href
event.href = eventEl.href;
} else if (eventEl.tagName === "DFN" && {
eventEl.href = href(eventEl);
event.targets = fromEventElementToTargetInterfaces(eventEl);
// if we have already detected this combination, skip it
if (events.find(e => isSameEvent(event, e))) {
newEvent = false;
event = events.find(e => isSameEvent(event, e));
if (!event.interface) {
const iface = [...container.querySelectorAll("a[href]")]
.find(n => n.textContent.match(/^([A-Z]+[a-z0-9]*)+Event$/));
if (iface) {
event.interface = iface.textContent.trim();
} else {
// Fire an event ⇒ Event interface
if (phrasing === "fire an event") {
event.interface = "Event";
} else if (phrasing === "fire a pointer event") {
// Fire a pointerevent ⇒ PointerEvent interface
event.interface = "PointerEvent";
} else {
// Functional event ⇒ Extendable interface
event.interface = "ExtendableEvent";
if (event.bubbles === undefined) {
if (container.textContent.match(/bubbles attribute/)) {
if (container.textContent.match(/true/)) {
event.bubbles = true;
} else if (container.textContent.match(/false/)) {
event.bubbles = false;
} else if (container.textContent.match(/bubbles/) || container.textContent.match(/bubbling/)) {
event.bubbles = true;
} else if (container.textContent.match(/not bubble/)) {
event.bubbles = false;
if (newEvent) {

// find events via IDL on<event> attributes with type EventHandler
for (let eventName of Object.keys(handledEventNames)) {
const matchingEvents = events.filter(e => e.type === eventName);
if (matchingEvents.length === 0 && !hasStructuredData) {
// We have not encountered such an event so far
for (let iface of handledEventNames[eventName]) {
type: eventName, targets: [iface], interface: null,
src: { format: "IDL eventHandler", href: href(document.body) } }); // FIXME: find id of the IDL fragment
} else if (matchingEvents.length === 1) {
// A single matching event, we assume all event handlers relate to it
const [matchingEvent] = matchingEvents;
// assign all interfaces at once if none is set
// but don't add to existing interfaces otherwise
if (!matchingEvent.targets) {
matchingEvent.targets = handledEventNames[eventName];
} else if (!hasStructuredData) {
const missingIface = handledEventNames[eventName]
.find(iface => !matchingEvent.targets.includes(iface));
if (missingIface) {
console.warn(`[reffy] More event handlers matching name ${eventName}, e.g. on ${missingIface} than ones identified in spec definitions`);
} else {
// More than one event with that name
// we can only check if this matches known information
// to warn of the gap otherwise
for (let iface of handledEventNames[eventName]) {
if (!matchingEvents.find(e => e.targets?.includes(iface))) {
console.warn(`[reffy] Could not determine which event named ${eventName} match EventHandler of ${iface} interface in ${spec.title}`);

// Find definitions marked as of event type
[...document.querySelectorAll('dfn[data-dfn-type="event"')].forEach(dfn => {
const type = dfn.textContent.trim();
const container = dfn.parentNode;
const event = {
type, interface: null, targets: fromEventElementToTargetInterfaces(dfn),
src: { format: "dfn", href: href(dfn.closest("*[id]")) },
href: href(dfn)
// CSS Animations & Transitions uses dt/dd to describe events
// and uses a ul in the dd to describe bubbling behavior
let bubbles;
if (container.tagName === "DT") {
const bubbleItem = [...container.nextElementSibling.querySelectorAll("li")]
.find(li => li.textContent.startsWith("Bubbles:"));
if (bubbleItem) {
bubbles = !!bubbleItem.textContent.match(/yes/i);
const ev = events.find(e => isSameEvent(event, e));
if (!ev) {
event.bubbles = bubbles;
console.error(`[reffy] No interface hint found for event definition ${event.type} in ${spec.title}`);
} else {
if (bubbles !== undefined) {
ev.bubbles = bubbles;
return events;
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/browserlib/reffy.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
"href": "./extract-references.mjs",
"property": "refs"
"href": "./extract-events.mjs",
"property": "events"
"href": "./extract-webidl.mjs",
"property": "idl",
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tests/crawl-test.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
"elements": [],
"events": [],
"headings": [
"id": "bar",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,6 +128,7 @@
"elements": [],
"events": [],
"headings": [
"id": "title",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,6 +207,7 @@
"dfns": [],
"elements": [],
"events": [],
"headings": [],
"ids": []
Expand Down

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