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Versions of Understanding and Techniques

Alastair Campbell edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 5 revisions


For users:

  • Users easily get the latest information
  • Users can tell what applies to 2.0, 2.1., 2.2

For AG WG and WAI staff:

  • Not too difficult to meet user goals

Use cases

  • I want the latest, best advice.
    "Sometimes I get to an Understanding doc and it has extra space on the left -- I don't know why the format is inconsistent."
    [p.s. real quote from EOWG participant -- who didn't realize that sometimes they were seeing a 2.0 page in /TR/ and sometimes 2.1 page under /WAI/]

  • Sure I'd like to meet WCAG 2.2 when we can get to it. Right now we are legally required to meet 2.0, so I need to prioritize those things first.



Considerations / Issues

  • No 2.0 SCs changed in 2.1.
  • In 2.2, one SC might change, but there are also ripple effects across understanding documents and techniques from changes that do not apply to 2.1/2.0.
  • Currently QuickRef links to 2.1 -- even when filtered for 2.0.
  • There are old techniques (like for Flash) that should be kept for posterity

Straw proposal

  • One set of Understanding and Techniques (redirect the old ones)
  • Every one will indicate which version it applies to (example: Non-text content)
  • The list of all will indicate which ones were added for 2.1 or 2.2 [@@ draft prototype]
  • For the SC with different information for different versions, the same page will provide both versions. Depending on the difference, it could be sections with different headers, a toggle, or other - to be determined

list of understanding documents, some have 'added in 2.1' in italics behind the title