An implementation of GeoJSON written in .NET Core 2.0. The library complies with the requirements of RFC 7946 ( Can be found on nuget
The library does not support section 6 of RFC 7946, extending GeoJSON with Foreign Members. You would need to extend the existing Geometries, Feature, and FeatureCollection classes with the additional properties included in the serialized JSON.
Given some GeoJSON data, such as:
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 102.0, 0.5 ]
"properties": {
"prop0": "value0"
You can receive the text and deserialize it to a GeoJSON object
GeoJson data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GeoJson>(jsonString);
Once the data is deserialized, you can cast it to its actual type
switch (data.Type)
case GeoJsonType.Feature:
Feature feature = (Feature)data;
If you know what kind of GeoJSON you're receiving, you can deserialize to it directly:
FeatureCollection col = FeatureCollection.FromJson(data);
And also go back to JSON data:
string json = col.ToJson(Formatting.Idented);
Or you can create a GeoJSON object and serialize it:
Position pos1 = new Position(100.0, 0.5);
Position pos2 = new Position(101.0, 1.0);
MultiPoint mp = new MultiPoint(new Position[] {pos1, pos2});
string json = JsonConvert.Serialize(mp);
The library also supports conversion of Geometry
objects to and from Well-Known Binary (WKB). For example:
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 2.0, 4.0 ]
Point point = new Point(102.0, 0.5);
byte[] wkb = point.ToWkb();
point = Geometry.FromWkb<Point>(wkb);
The binary produced is 0x000000000140000000000000004010000000000000
. You can also convert this way.
Point point = new Point(102.0, 0.5);
byte[] wkb = point.ToWkb();
Geometry geo = Point.FromWkb(wkb)
point = (Point)geo;
You can also specify the endianness of the binary encoding (the default is LITTLE).
Point point = new Point(102.0, 0.5);
byte[] wkb = point.ToWkb(Endianness.BIG);
Geometry geo = Point.FromWkb(wkb)
point = (Point)geo;
Finally, you can use the WkbConverter
class directly.
Point point = new Point(new Position(2.0, 4.0));
byte[] bytes = WkbConverter.ToBinary(point, Endianness.BIG);
byte[] bytes = HexStringToByteArray("000000000140000000000000004010000000000000");
Point point = WkbConverter.FromBinary<Point>(bytes);
Each of the 9 GeoJSON types: Feature, FeatureCollection, GeometryCollection, LineString, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, Point, and Polygon all have convenience methods ToJson() and FromJson() to make serialization and deserialization easy.
There are two additional types that can be used. A LinearRing is a LineString that is connected as the start and end and forms the basis of a polygon. You can also use the abstract Geometry class that encompasses LineString, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, Point, and Polygon.
The Feature 'Properties' property implements an IDictionary<string, dynamic>
in order to accomodate any type of property structure that may be sent.
This library provides a global configuration class, GeoJsonConfig
. Currently, the config offers a way to ignore the validation of latitude and longitude coordinates. For example, given this input:
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 200.0, 65000.5 ]
"properties": {
"prop0": "value0"
We would expect this operation to throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException
due to the coordinate values.
Feature geo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Feature>(content);
To ignore the validation, do this:
Feature geo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Feature>(content);
Fixed the Polygon serde CanConvert method.
Added Well-Known Binary serialization and deserialization support for Geometry
Added an Id property to in Feature
. Also added a global config object that can be used to ignore validation of coordinate values.
Added validation for latitude and longitude values in Position
Added a method to remove interior linear rings from a Polygon
Fixed bug for MultiLineString
with less than 2 coordinates.
Bug fix for NULL geometry JSON token in a Feature, which is allowed by the RFC.
Changed JSON serialized property names to proper camel case by default to be RFC compliant. Added strong-named assembly signing.
Fixed sequence comparison null value handling.
Enabled the use of the bounding box property on all GeoJSON types.
Actually fixed targeting netstandard1.6
instead of v1.6.1.
Fixed targetting of netstandard1.6, dropped JSON.NET to 9.0.1. Added netstandard2.0
and net45
as target frameworks.
Retargetted library to netstandard1.6.
Initial release of the library.