A super-basic MathJax + D3 experiment to add automatic SVG-based visualization of arithmetic statements after they've been typeset by MathJax
Demo viewable via rawgit at https://rawgit.com/waharnum/mathjax_d3-experiment/master/index.html
Inspired by this sprint item from the Benetech 2016 CSUN math accessibility sprint: http://mathsprintcsun.herokuapp.com/posts/7wnA2R3MFvmcwnAYL/tactile-exploration-of-math-content
Uses D3 to extract the underlying MathML representation of the arithmetic generated by MathJax when it parses a statement and generate a simple visual representation as a quick demonstration of two things (transformation of content + multimodal representation) we have an interest in at http://idrc.ocadu.ca/ .
Doesn't work for division statements due to naive parsing of MathML. 3/4 isn't bad for time invested, maybe? May 20 2016 update: turns out I was using the wrong AsciiMath notation and it works fine if you use the division operator rather than a fraction one. (see the third example)