This is a simple kustomize example for running keycloak with a postgres db. It is not production ready!
Deploy Postgres statefulset:
kubectl apply -k postgres/overlays/dev/
Deploy Keycloak statefulset with two instances:
kubectl apply -k keycloak/overlays/dev/
Deploy Prometheus and Grafana:
kubectl apply -k monitoring/base/
Workaround when using persistent volumes mounted as hostpath
The non-standard user UID: 65534 can't access it out of the box.
So, "initContainers" will provide the user UID:65534 the required permission on the volume (volumeMounts).
- name: prometheus-data-permission-setup
image: busybox
command: [ "/bin/chmod","-R","777", "/data" ]
- name: prometheus-volume
mountPath: /data
- credential management
- monitoring:
- import Grafana dashboard in deployment