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Based on 1k ASCII Mini Robot Factory, but written in readable modern Javascript, without the constraints of fitting into 1k.

Inspired by the classic Tomy Pocket Game, Robot Factory, the code generates robots using parts from the models below:

   #MRF-000        #MRF-111        #MRF-222        #MRF-333
    "Finn"          "Glork"         "Tilde"         "Scone"
     ___T_          \.===./          o___o           T___
    | o o |         | b d |         //0-0\\          |[o]|
    |__-__|          \_=_/          |\_-_/|          \_-_/
    /| []|\       o==|ooo|==o       /|(\)|\       7--|=0=|--< 
  ()/|___|\()        |___|         d |___| b         |___|
     |_|_|          .'._.'.         . \_/  .         // \\
     /_|_\          |_| |_|        . .:::.. .       _\\ //_

   #MRF-444        #MRF-555        #MRF-666        #MRF-777
    "Flrrx"        "Wheldon"        "Omex"         "Ruffle" 
      )_(            |---|           .---.            Y__
     |ooo|           |6=6|          } - - {         _/o o\_
     |_#_|           |_o_|           \_0_/           \_o_/
 .-._/___\_.-.  }-. /\--o/\ .-{    .=[::+]=.     )=o=|L88|=o=(
 :"  \___/  ";     " |___| "     ]=' [___] '=[   )=o=|___|=o=(
     (   )            .".            /| |\        .  /___\  .
    __) (__           |_|           [_] [_]     . ..:::::::.  .

   #MRF-888        #MRF-999        #MRF-AAA        #MRF-BBB
    "Sirn"          "Tozar"         "Ern"           "Plux"
     .===.           _._._          .=._,=.           .-.
    //d d\\         -)o o(-        ' (q q) `       ._(u u)_.
    \\_u_//          \_=_/           _)-(_           (_-_)
    ,=|x|=.     ()ooo|\=/|ooo() .'c ."|_|". n`.    .=(+++)=.
    'c/_\  'c        |___|      '--'  /_\  `--' o="  (___)  "=o
     /| |\            |_|           _// \\_          (_|_)
    (0) (0)          (ooo)         /_o| |o_\         (o|o)

   #MRF-CCC        #MRF-DDD        #MRF-EEE        #MRF-FFF
   "Boltez"         "Tena"         "Boccle"        "Morton"
     ,_,_,           .===./`          __i          _ _,_,_ _
     \9 9/          /.n n.\          [p q]         \( q p )/
     /_-_\          "\_=_/"           ]-[            \_"_/
   ,"|+  |".      (m9\:::/\      >===]__o[===<    .==|>o<|==:=L
   _\|+__|/_         /___\6          [o__]        '=c|___|
     /  |            [] []           ]| |[           /7 [|
    _\  |_          /:] [:\         [_| |_]        \/7  [|_


Include the script in your page.

<script src="asciibots.js"></script>

Call the .bot() method on the Asciibots object with a specific 3-5 hex digit ID to get a particular combination as a text string. The final three digits indcate the robot's head, its body, and its legs or whatever. See above for reference. The id may be preceded with 2 additional digits which will change its 'eyes' and 'mouth'.

ID Examples:
               /     T___                 
        .---3-|      |[o]|     
        |      \_    \_-_/     
        | __1__/  o==|ooo|==o  
        ||     \_    |___|
        || _6__/     /| |\
        |||    \_   [_] [_]
   ID: "316"

           __.--- Required (head: 0, body: 5, legs: 9)
   ID: "13059"
        ''------- Optional (mouth: 1, eyes: 3)
    | d b |
}-. /\--o/\ .-{
   " |___| "


Always results in:

    | d b |
}-. /\--o/\ .-{
   " |___| "

Call the .bot() method with no parameters to get a random robot as a text string.

Has a 1/1048576 chance of producing

     // \\     
    _\\ //_    

Or any other combination. If you don't specify a parameter it's random!

#jQuery Plugin

There's also a jQuery plugin. This adds the asciibot() method to jQuery objects. When you call the asciibot() method it will set the text contents of each matched element to an ASCII robot. Same as the vanilla Javascript version, if you pass a 3-5 digit hex string you will get a specific robot. If you leave the parameters empty you will get a random robot.


asciibots.js is licensed under the MIT License.