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The code that updates the Mastodon and @wardell_listens Twitter accounts.


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It's true. I'm Wardell, and listen is what I do.

What is this?

This is a repository containing the code that updates the Mastodon-compatible account and @wardell_listens Twitter account.

How does it work?

It uses my ListenBrainz listens to send out a new track every week, based on what I listened to the past month. It uses a GitHub action, scheduled to run every Monday morning, to comb through the monthly listens and find a new track to post. Optionally, you can have it message you on Telegram in order to allow you to choose from a list of a maximum of ten tracks. Those tracks will still be randomly selected based on your listens, but this allows you to avoid certain...spicier songs you might not want to post publicly. ;)

In order to avoid duplicates, it will also post a new commit to this repo on the ignored-tracks branch , updating a file with the Spotify URL of the song it chose to post.

What services does it support posting to?

Currently, it supports websites that use the Micropub API and Twitter.

Why does it exist?

Music is meant to be shared, and good music doubly so. Plus, now everyone can see exactly how bad my taste in music is!

Can I fork this and use it myself?

You sure can! Fork this project into your own repository and set up these secrets for your new repo.

  1. LISTENBRAINZ_USER: The username of the ListenBrainz account you want to fetch the listens for.
  2. RELATIVE_START_IN_DAYS: (Optional) How far back to fetch listens for in order to suggest a track. Defaults to 30.
  3. DRY_RUN: (Optional) When true, the track will not be posted to any targets. Defaults to true when not running in CI. MUST be set to exactly true to be valid; any other value will result in it being false.
  4. MICROPUB_ENDPOINT: (Optional) The endpoint of your Micropub site.
  5. MICROPUB_ACCESS_TOKEN: (Optional) The access token for your Micropub site.
  6. TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: (Optional) The consumer key (aka API key) of the Twitter application you have to create to manage your own Twitter account to post tweets.
  7. TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: (Optional) The consumer secret (aka API secret) of your Twitter application.
  8. TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN: (Optional) The OAuth1 access token for your Twitter account. You can get this by manually [authenticating
  9. with Twitter]( using the OAuth1 PIN-based flow.
  10. MANUALLY_SELECT_TRACK: (Optional, defaults to false) Whether to message you on Telegram to allow you to select a track before posting. Requires TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN and TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID to be set.
  11. TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: (Optional, required if MANUALLY_SELECT_TRACK is true) A Telegram bot token to use when messaging you to select a track from a list of options.
  12. TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: (Optional, required if MANUALLY_SELECT_TRACK is true) The Telegram chat to message.

While the Micropub and Twitter tokens are individually optional, at least one full set is required or this will throw an error as it won't have anything to do.

You'll also want to remove all the text in this file on the ignored-tracks branch so that your bot can post songs mine might already have. Make sure to keep the branch and the file though, as it's expected to exist by the Github Action.

When run locally, to ease with development, you can instead add these values to a secrets.env file in src/main/resources in the format of NAME=VALUE, with a newline separating every key-value pair.


The code that updates the Mastodon and @wardell_listens Twitter accounts.








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