Chinese translation of the GitHub Help( and the other article collection.
《GitHub 帮助文档》 中文翻译(包含了官方文档以及其他文章)。
利用业余时间对此进行翻译,并在原文的基础上,插入配图,图文并茂方便用户理解。如有勘误欢迎指正,点此提问。如有兴趣,也可以参与到本翻译工作中来 :)
- [Be Social 社交化](Be
- What's the difference between user and organization accounts 用户和组织账户的不同点
- What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility 当库删除或者改变了可见性,其 fork 发生了什么
- [Verifying your email address 验证您的电子邮件地址](Verifying your email address 验证您的电子邮件地址.md)
- Adding or inviting members to a team in an organization 添加或邀请组织成员到一个团队中
- What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility 当库删除或者改变了可见性,其 fork 发生了什么
- Making a public repository private 开放库转为私有
- Making a private repository public 私人库转为公开
- [Deleting a repository 删除库](Deleting a repository 删除库.md)
- What is my disk quota 我的磁盘配额是什么
- HTTPS cloning errors 用 HTTPS 克隆常见的错误
- [Creating and deleting branches within your repository 在你的库中创建和删除分支](Creating and deleting branches within your repository 在你的库中创建和删除分支.md)
- What are the limits for viewing content and diffs in my repository 在版本库浏览内容和文件比较的限制是什么
- Error:Repository not found 错误 库没有找到
- [Syncing a fork 同步一个 fork](Syncing a
- What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility 当库删除或者改变了可见性,其 fork 发生了什么
- Changing a remote's URL 修改远程 URL
- Dealing with non-fast-forward errors 处理 non-fast-forward 错误
- Fetching a remote 获取远程库
- Which remote URL should I use 我应该用哪种远程 URL
- Why is Git always asking for my password 为啥 Git 总是要询问我的密码
- Caching your GitHub password in Git 保存你的 GitHub 密码
- [Markdown Basics 关于 Markdown 的基础](Markdown
- [GitHub Flavored Markdown](GitHub Flavored
- [在 GitHub 上书写](Writing on
- [Deleting files 删除文件](Deleting files 删除文件.md)
- [Remove sensitive data 删除敏感数据](Remove sensitive data 删除敏感数据.md)