A simple shell script that creates a Rails Docker Environment with a Postgres Database
Because I wanted something better than RVM to do my rails development.
- Install docker-compose
- Copy rde.sh to your path
- Go to the directory where you want to create your rails app
- call rde.sh create
- call rde.sh start
- point your browser to localhost:3000
- Go to your rails directory
- call rde.sh init
- rde.sh bundle (it rebuilds the docker image)
- rde.sh run rake db:migrate
- rde.sh run rails g whateveryouwant
Usage: rde.sh {init|create|run|start|bundle|destroy-db|help} PARAMETERS
init: Creates a docker-compose.yml
create: Bootstraps a new rails app in the current
directory and sets up database access for
the rails app.
run: Runs a command inside the docker container.
(Useful eg. for running rake db:migrate )
start: Starts the rails app
bundle: Installs new Gems and commits container
destroy-db: Destroys the database container and erases the data
help: Displays this usage message
Use rde.sh help COMMAND to get more detailed
Open a pull request if you care. Or create an issue if you don't care that much.