A Web Remote for the Philips Hue, Tado and Netatmo
For use with raspberry pi touch display or a smartphone.
This is not for beginners, because you need many tokens and some knowledge about apis.
Rename js/config.example.js to js/config.js and add your credentials.
Located in tado_api. You need an access token. To get the token use getToken.php but change username and password first in that file. Change settings in js/config.js
To authorize your app, please subscribe for a developer account, register a new app and rename config.example.php to config.php and add your credentials. After that use auth.php to get an access token. Change settings in js/config.js
Please google, how to get an Hue token. Change settings in js/config.js
You also need the font PE Icon 7 from here: https://www.pixeden.com/icon-fonts/stroke-7-icon-font-set because I didn't know the license
To start deving:
npm install
npm run dev