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Security: webful-ltd/passwordmaker

Security Policy

Supported Versions

Version Supported
2.3.x (e.g. 2.3.0)

Due to app stores' distribution mechanisms, the frameworks the app depends upon and limited time available for the project, I can't also patch libraries in older versions of the app.

Please update to new versions whenever offered. If you're not offered the latest version above and your phone cannot run a newer operating system than you have now, it might be impossible to get a long-term-secure version of the native app. If this is the case, please consider using a web-based alternative to the app to stay safe.

Reporting a Vulnerability

Please email with "Security" in the subject line.

I'll reply as soon as I can with a plan, or requests for any more information if needed. As the app's a free side project, I can't offer a bounty for disclosure – but I really appreciate you choosing to disclose issues responsibly this way prior to any wider publication.

There aren’t any published security advisories