- Wireless Rover Manual
- Table of Contents
- User Guide
- Technical Guide
- Appendix
Although, there are no page numbers, the Table of Contents is clickable in the PDF version.
The Wireless Rover is a two wheeled remote-controlled land vehicle designed to map floor areas. It includes frontal, left and right ultrasonic sensors, two hall-effect odometers, a camera, and a speaker. The wireless rover connects to Wi-Fi to be controlled by a web application with 3D visualization.
The web application is the remote control and configurer of the Wireless Rover vehicule. There are two options available:
- Use the online hosted version courtesy of GitHub pages. https://schoolwei.github.io/project-wrover
- Use the Raspberry Pi or any machine with Docker installed.
- MacOS
- Linux
- Windows WSL2
The moment the machine boots up, the service should be automatically started. The Rasperry Pi will have hostname
. The service will be available athttp://weispi.local:8080
Please make sure that you have a Wi-Fi connection because the Rover will connect to the Wi-Fi network to be controlled by the web application. A hopspot will suffice, but make sure that it has access to the website.
- Make sure the power switch is off. Please see Figure 1A for the location of the power switch.
- Connect the two 9V batteries and the 4.8V rechargeable battery.
- Turn on the power switch see if power is properly connected. You should hear a tune. You should see the following messages in order:
WRover AVR!
andWaiting ESP...
on the LCD screen as seen in Figure 2A.WRover ESP
andESP Starting...
on the LCD screen as seen in Figure 3A.WRover ESP
andWaiting Setup...
on the LCD screen as seen in Figure 4A. You may see another message if it is already configured to connect to a Wi-Fi network.
- Make sure to then turn off the power switch.
- Plug the USB-C cable into the USB-C port as seen in Figure 1A. Do not turn on the power switch yet.
- Connect the other end of the USB-C cable to a machine that has access to the web application and the Wi-Fi network.
- Navigate to the web application on a browser.
- Click on Start Serial Setup as seen in Figure 8A. Please use another browser if you see the message in Figure 9A.
- Select the serial port that the Wireless Rover is connected to as seen in Figure 10A.
- Right after selecting the serial port, it should immedately start scanning for networks as seen in Figure 11A. If it does not, the serial port is not connected properly.
- Select the network that the Wireless Rover should connect to as seen in Figure 12A.
- Click on Connect Network. Make sure you click on the button with the name of the network (SSID) as text.
- You should be prompted to connect to the network as seen in Figure 13A.
- If the connection is successful, you should see the IP address of the Wireless Rover as seen in Figure 14A. If it is not successful, you should see the message in Figure 15A. Please retry again. If it still does not work, make sure that the computer used have access to the Wi-Fi network.
- Unplug the USB-C cable from the Wireless Rover. The Wireless Rover will turn off. However, the WiFi configuration is saved.
- Turn on the power switch. The last message you should see is
WiFi Connected: <IP Address>
on the LCD screen as seen in Figure 6A. - Reload the web application.
- You are ready to control the Wireless Rover.
The Wireless Rover can be controlled manually. The controls are as follows:
to move forward.A
to move left.S
to move backward.D
to move right.
The Rover can also be controlled in a semi-automatic manner by right-clicking on the map. This will open a context menu. Select the option to move the Rover to the selected location as seen in Figure 17A. The Rover will automatically move to the location. This method has primitive obstacle avoidance. Therefore, it will attempt to go around obstables based on some heuristics.
Furthermore, there is also collision avoidance. The Rover will stop if it detects an obstacle in front of it.
The Wireless Rover will stream all of its sensor information in real time to the web application.
- Distance on the left, right, and front ultrasonic sensors.
- Camera feed.
The camera framerate will be limited by the network speed and will automatically adjust to the network speed.
You can also select the resolution of the camera feed by right clicking on it. The resolution can be selected from the dropdown menu. The resolution can be changed at any time.
The Wireless Rover will map the floor area as it moves. To see the map from a different perpective, use the following controls:
- Left Mouse Button to rotate the map.
- Middle Mouse (Scoll Wheel) Button to pan the map.
- Scroll Wheel to zoom in and out.
The Rover will play a tune when:
- The power is turned on.
- It moves.
- It detects an obstacle in front, left, or right.
There is no way to turn off the audio feedback and that is a feature! It reduces the risk of accidents.
Table 1. Specifications of the Wireless Rover.
Group | Name | Value |
Power Source | 9V Batteries | 2 |
4.8V Battery | 1 | |
Dimensions | Length | 18 cm |
Width | 35 cm | |
Height | 8 cm | |
Weight | ~1 kg | |
Top Speed | 0.5 m/s | |
Battery Life | Stationary | ~2 hour |
Moving | ~30 mins | |
Camera Resolsution | Maximum | 800x600 |
Minimum | 160x120 | |
Ultrasonic Sensor | Max | ~4.4m |
Resolution | ~2cm | |
Camera Framerate | Maximum | 30 fps |
Minimum | 1 fps |
Only the Web Application is not part of the Rover itself. All of the components are powered by a 5V power supply, except for the motors which are powered by a 9V power supply.
flowchart TD
web[/Web Application/]
sonar0[Front Ultrasonic\n Sensor]
sonar1[Left Ultrasonic\n Sensor]
sonar2[Right Ultrasonic\n Sensor]
subgraph ESP 3.3V
hall0[Left Wheel\n Hall Effect\n Sensor]
hall1[Right Wheel\n Hall Effect\n Sensor]
subgraph 9V
hbridge0[Left Wheel\n H-Bridge]
hbridge1[Right Wheel\n H-Bridge]
motor0[Left Wheel\n Motor]
motor1[Right Wheel\n Motor]
web <-->|WebSocket or Serial| esp
cam -->|OV2640| esp
hall0 -->|IO| esp
hall1 -->|IO| esp
sonar0 <-->|IOs| avr
sonar1 <-->|IOs| avr
sonar2 <-->|IOs| avr
avr -->|PWM| hbridge0
avr -->|PWM| hbridge1
hbridge0 -->|PWM| motor0
hbridge1 -->|PWM| motor1
avr -->|Waveform| amp
amp -->|Waveform| speaker
avr ==>|IOs| lcd
esp <-->|ACK Serial| avr
Figure 4.1T. System Diagram. The Web Application is not part of the rover. The rest is powered by a ~4.8V battery unless indicated otherwise. All modules are completed.
This module allows the user to:
- Control the rover
- Calculate the relative position of the rover from the starting point using the wheel hall effect sensors
- WASD controls
- View the camera feed
- Request and display the camera frames
- Change the camera resolution
- Visualize the distances from the ultrasonic sensors
- Draw the sample points
- Initial WiFi Setup
- Send the WiFi credentials to the ESP32 via Serial
- Communciate with the rover via WebSocket or Serial
This will be hosted on a seperate server (Raspberry Pi) as the ESP32 will not be connected to the network at first.
The ESP32 is the bridge between the Web Application and the ATmega8515. It's functionalities are:
- Stream the camera feed
- Calculate the relative position of the rover from the starting point using the wheel hall effect sensors
- Broadcasting the locomotion data: hall effect sensors and ultrasonic sensors
- Communicate with the ATmega8515 via Acknowledged Serial
- Communicate with the Web Application via WebSocket
- Smooth motor control
The ATmega8515 is the locomotion controller of the rover. It's functionalities are:
- Generate the PWM to control the motors
- Read the ultrasonic sensors
- Communicate with the ESP32 via Acknowledged Serial
- Display the data on the LCD
- Smooth motor control
- Generate the waveforms for the speaker
- Stop the motors when obstacles are detected
- When the rover starts moving, the speaker will play a few iconic notes from Il fait beau dans l’métro.
- On startup, the rover will play the Microsoft Windows XP Startup Sound.
- When the rover is near an obtacle, the speaker will keep playing a tune.
- The Left and Right Wheel Hall Effect Sensors will be read by the ESP32 to calculate the distance traveled by the Rover similar to an odometer.
- The Left and Right Wheel H-Bridges will control the motors by receiving PWM signals from the AVR.
- The Front, Left, and Right Ultrasonic Sensors will be read by the AVR to detect obstacles.
- The Amplifier will amplify the audio signal from the AVR to the Speaker.
- The Speaker will play audio feedback.
- The LCD will display the status of the Rover.
- The Camera will capture the frames for the video feed.
Please see Figure 18A for the full circuit schematic diagram. Figure 19A shows the PCB Ultiboard layout.
The H-Bridge Decoder/Multiplexer sends the PWM signal to the right pin with respect to the direction of the motor.
The Sonar Headers are the headers for the ultrasonic sensors. The pins are connected to the AVR.
The Hall Effect Headers are the headers for the hall effect sensors. The pins are connected to the ESP32. The hall effect sensor needs a pull-up resistor. The pull-up resistor is connected to the 3.3V power supply of the ESP32.
This device can sense the polarity of the magnetic field close to them. Whether the field is going into or out of the sensor.
These are the headers for the different power supplies.
The Speaker section has the amplifier and the speaker. The amplifier is connected to the AVR. There is a potentiometer to adjust the volume.
The AVR is the main physical controller of the Rover. It controls the motors, the ultrasonic sensors, the LCD, motors, and the speaker.
Since the ESP32 and the AVR are connected via serial and require different voltages. There is a voltage divider to convert the 5V signal to 3.3V signal for AVR to ESP32 communication. To convert 3.3V to 5V, two TTL compatible NOT gates are used. This is because a 3.3V is high enough to be interpreted as a high signal by the TTL compatible NOT gates.
The ISP header is included to easily program the AVR.
The ESP32 will have a capacitor to stabilize the power supply. It will also take the 5V to output 3.3V to power the Hall Effect Sensors.
The LCD is operated in 8-bit mode by the AVR.
Built using Next.js with TypeScript and Shadcn UI Component Library (stored in web/components/ui
, not in node_modules
), the web application is the user interface for the rover.
The software for the Web Application can be mostly summarized in the following diagram.
flowchart LR
response[Response Emitter]
request[Request Emitter]
user[User Input]
request -->|WebSocket or Serial| esp
esp -->|WebSocket or Serial| response
scan[Scan Network Trigger]
scan_table[Scan Network Table]
connect[Connect to Network Trigger]
camera[Camera Frame Trigger]
camera_view[Camera View]
motor[Motor Control]
locomotion[Locomotion Trigger]
locomotion_visual[Locomotion Visual]
user -->|Connect Form| connect
user -->|Button Click| scan
user -->|Keyboard| motor
locomotion -->|Get Locomotion| request
response -->|Sonar Distances| locomotion_visual
response -->|Restarts| locomotion
motor -->|Motor Values| request
scan -->|Request| request
connect -->|Connect Credentials| request
response -->|Nearby Networks| scan_table
camera -->|Request| request
response -->|Frame| camera_view
response -->|Restarts| camera
Figure 7.1. Web Application Code Block Diagram. Camera Frames are only sent via WebSocket.
To connect the ESP32 to the network, the user will need to connect the ESP32 with a client PC that has access to the hosted website using the Serial/USB cable, usually provided with the purchase of a development ESP32 board.
Right now, only Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Opera support the Web Serial API, which is required to connect to the ESP32 using the Serial/USB cable. Please refer to Can I Use for more information.
Please see web/lib/dual-odometer.ts
for the implementation of the Dual Odometer.
The calculation is also done on the Web Appllication as it allows the user to easily calibrate and fine-tune the odometer's paramters as all the data is stored in memory. Therefore, by adjusting the parameters, the user will see the sample points change on the canvas. The ESP32 will also calculate the current relative position, but it doesn't store the hall data history. web/components/canvas/process-locomotion-data.ts
contains the hook the function to calculate the relative position and the ultrasonic sensor point cloud.
flowchart LR
source[Data Source]
odometer[Dual Odometer]
polar_vector[Vector from Polar]
wall_visual[Visualize Walls]
source -->|Hall Data| odometer
odometer -->|Position| polar_vector
source -->|Ultrasonic Data| polar_vector
polar_vector -->|Transform| wall_visual
Figure 7.2. Wall Reconstruction Pipeline.
flowchart LR
point_filter_merge[Remove Extraneous Points \n and Merge Nearby Points]
wall_merge[Merge Walls]
wall_merge_cond{Is stable or\n done N times?}
wall_visual[Visualize Walls]
points -->|Point Cloud| point_filter_merge
point_filter_merge -->|Merged Point Cloud| wall_merge
wall_merge -->|Merged Walls| wall_merge_cond
wall_merge_cond -->|No| wall_merge
wall_merge_cond -->|Yes| wall_visual
Figure 7.3. Wall Reconstruction Pipeline.
Wall reconstruction is mostly basic Vector Math. The ESP32 will send the hall data and the ultrasonic data to the Web Application. The Web Application will then calculate the relative position of the rover and the distance of the walls. The walls are then visualized on the canvas. Most of the logic is in web/components/canvas/use-processed-data.ts
in the useProcessedData
Please see web/Dockerfile
for more information. This file defines the process to assemble a KVM container. The application runs on port 8080 and 8443. The certificate keys are included in this repository for testing purposes.
First, the builder container is defined to build the web application using the npm run build
script. The distribution directory is then copied into the final container. The keys in web/keys
and the configuration file at web/httpd.conf
is also copied.
To match URLs without the file extension defined. The rewrite engine has been used to attempt to add the .html
extension to the URL. If the file exists, it will be served. If not, the 404.html file will be served. The following is the relevant configuration in web/httpd.conf
For ARM architecture such as the Raspberry Pi, web/Dockerfile.arm
is used instead because the build steps requires Next.js, however, one of its dependencies in its latest version doesn't support ARM GNUHF. In the new Dockerfile, the build is copied from the build
branch seen in the below section.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.html -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.html [L]
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
The Web Application is deployed using GitHub Pages. The deployment is done using GitHub Actions. The configuration file can be found in .github/workflows/ci.yml
. On every push, GitHub will start a container that will execute what is defined inside the workflow. The workflow will build the web application and push its changes to the pages-build
and build
branches. The pages-build
is for GitHub pages since all path will have a project-wrover
This module is implemented in C++ using the Arduino framework and the PlatformIO toolchain.
flowchart LR
webserial_in[Web Serial Input]
websocket_in[WebSocket Input]
webserial_out[Web Serial Output]
websocket_out[WebSocket Output]
handle[Request Handle]
queue[Message Queue]
websocket_in -->|Buffer| queue
webserial_in -->|Parsed JSON| handle
queue -->|Parsed JSON| handle
handle --> pivot{Channel?}
pivot -->|WSChannel| websocket_out
pivot -->|SerialChannel| webserial_out
Figure 7.4. Request and Response Flow.
This is implemented using ESP Software Serial . Class AsyncSerial
is an async (non-blocking, can't handle concurrency) utility for SoftwareSerial
. This implementation relies on the Promise
class which is inspired by JavaScript's Promises.
Async is required as waiting for the acknowledgement from the ATmega8515 is blocking otherwise, therefore, the Camera will not be able to stream smoothly. This will not be needed if a state machine is implemented. However, Promises in C++ is more interesting to implement. More or less, the state is captured in the Then closure. The Promise class itself doesn't memory manage itself. Therefore, it is wrapped in a std::shared_ptr
Result class is inspired from Rust's Result. It is used to handle errors in the Promise instead of having to use exceptions.
There is parity checking only. If there is an error, ignore the frame.
In the below example from esp/src/avr_serial.cpp
, the pair
method is used to pair two Promises. The then
method is used to handle the result of the two combined Promises. If either one of the Result is an error, the fail
static method is called to create a failed WordResult
. Otherwise, the WordResult
is created by combining the two values. Shared pointers are used to automatically garbage collect the Promise when there are no more references to it.
std::shared_ptr<Promise<WordResult>> avrReadWord()
auto closure = [](Pair<ReadResult, ReadResult> pair)
if (pair.a.isError() || pair.b.isError())
return WordResult::fail(pair.a.getError());
return WordResult((pair.a.getValue() << 8) | pair.b.getValue());
return avrSerial.read()->pair(avrSerial.read())->then<WordResult>(closure);
participant event as Event
participant asyncserial as Async Serial
participant promise as Promise
participant softserial as Software Serial
opt Calling Read or Write
event->>asyncserial: Calls RW
asyncserial->>promise: Creates
promise->>asyncserial: Promise
Note right of asyncserial: Promise Resolver Closure is stored
asyncserial->>event: Promise
Note right of event: Then listener registered
opt Read or Write resolves
asyncserial->>softserial: Calls RW
softserial->>asyncserial: Data or ACK
Note right of asyncserial: Promise is resolved
Figure 7.5. Sequence Diagram of AVR Serial, Async Serial and Promises in ESP32.
participant esp as ESP32
participant avr as ATmega8515
loop Until acknowledged
esp->>avr: Data
avr->>esp: Acknowledgement
Figure 7.6. Sequence Diagram of Transmitting and Receiving Data.
To prevent drawing too much current from the ESP32, the rate at which the duty cycle is changed is limited. This is also done on the AVR side for extra safety.
The smooth motor value is sent to the ATmega8515 via the Acknowledged Serial. This value is also used to know the direction of the motor.
- If
is sent, the left motor hall effect sensor triggered and the motor is moving forward - If
, then right with forward - If
, then left with reverse - If
, then right with reverse
The above values are stored in a string and sent to the Web Application via WebSocket in the locomotion.hall
string. For more information, please see the ESP32 and Web Communication section.
The below code is an example of the smooth motor control. This code can be found in esp/src/locomotion.h
. The Web Application will set a motor0Speed
and the ESP will track its internal smooth motor speed. At every update, it will shift the smooth motor speed towards the motor speed. This is done because the AVR also has smooth motor control, therefore, the ESP will not know when the motor has reversed or not. The ESP will only know the speed of the motor. To reduce the unknowns, the ESP will also do smooth motor control.
if (motor0SmoothSpeed != motor0Speed) // send only if speed has changed
motor0SmoothSpeed = shiftTowards(motor0SmoothSpeed, motor0Speed);
motor0Reverse = motor0SmoothSpeed < 0;
avrSend(MODE_MOTOR0, motor0SmoothSpeed);
The hall effect sensor readings are implemented using logical change interrupts. Debouncing is implemented to reduce the number of false positives. A series of alternating magnets are placed on the wheel to trigger the hall effect sensor.
Communication is either done via WebSocket or Serial. This is done using the Channel
virtual base class extended by WSChannel
or SerialChannel
. These classes are defined in esp/src/channel.h
Upon receiving a message form the WebApplication via WebSocket. The buffer is added to the singleton MessageQueue
instance. The MessageQueue
instance is then processed in the main loop. This is to prevent blocking the WebSocket thread at unexpected times. E.g. when the camera is streaming or when the SoftwareSerial
is writing (messes up the timing).
Please see RequestEvents
and ResponseEvents
Type Records in web/lib/types.ts
for more information.
- Requests
- Connect is used to connect to a network. This is only used in Serial communication mode during the initial setup.
- Scan is used to scan for available networks.
- Disconnect is used to disconnect from the network.
- SSID is used to get the SSID of the connected network.
- IP: is used to get the IP address of the ESP32.
- RSSI: is used to get the signal strength of the connected network.
- Status: is used to get the WiFi status of the ESP32.
- Begin: is used to start the WebSocket Server.
- Set Camera FPS: is used to set the camera FPS.
- Motor is used to control the motors.
- Locomotion is used to get the locomotion data.
- Capture is used to capture a frame from the camera.
- Responses
- Scan returns the available networks.
- IP returns the IP address of the ESP32.
- RSSI returns the signal strength of the connected network.
- Status returns the WiFi status of the ESP32.
- Locomotion returns the locomotion data.
- Socket Ready is used to indicate that the WebSocket connection is ready.
- Binary Data (not JSON) is used to send the camera capture frames.
Status messages are also sent unsolicitedly to the Web Application when the WiFi status changes.
This feature allows the Rover to semi-automatically move to a location on the map. The Rover will move to the location by itself. The Rover will also attempt avoid obstacles.
The code is in esp/src/navigation.h
. There are two parts. One is a not stateful and one that is a state machine. The stateless part can be expressed using the following vector field. It is used to move the rover towards a target position. The stateful part is used to avoid obstacles.
Which can be broken down into:
$i,j=\underset{i,j\in[-5,5]}{\operatorname{arg max}} \space Q(X_0=O_0(i,j), X_r=O_r(i,j))$
is the ultrasonic sensor data. -
is the target position. -
is the motor speed. -
is the odometer function that converts motor movement to position . -
is a clone of the current odometer instance. -
is a new odometer instance to get the relative movement.
is the distance threshold. -
is the speed factor.
The above only defines how the rover moves towards a target position. However, when there is an obstacle, the rover will attempt to avoid it by using the following:
[*] --> DIRECT
Figure 7.7. Click to Move State Machine.
, , are the front, left, and right ultrasonic sensor distances respectively. -
is the distance threshold. -
will use. -
will use. -
will use.
The behavior that is implemented will try to circle the obstacle with the target position as the center. Then the moment it finds an opening, it will move towards the target position.
This module is implemented in assembly using AVRA and AVRDude on Linux or Atmel Studio on Windows.
flowchart TD
serial_in[Serial RX Interrupt]
serial_out[Serial TX]
serial_in_buffer[Serial RX Buffer]
serial_out_buffer[Serial TX Buffer]
ultrasonic[Ultrasonic Sensors]
handle[Request Handler]
timer_overflow[Timer 1 Overflow]
smooth_motor[Smooth Motor Speed]
loop[Main Loop]
left_motor[Left Motor]
right_motor[Right Motor]
serial_in .->|Append in buffer| serial_in_buffer
serial_in_buffer -->|Mode Key or Value| handle
loop -->|If buffer not empty| serial_in_buffer
timer_overflow -->|Update Distance| ultrasonic
ultrasonic -->|Distance| handle
handle -->|Set Desired Speed| smooth_motor
handle -->|LCD Write or Command| lcd
handle -->|Waveform OC0| speaker
handle .->|Append Distance Word| serial_out_buffer
loop -->|If TX buffer not empty| serial_out_buffer
serial_out_buffer -->|Send Byte| serial_out
loop -->|Update Motor| smooth_motor
smooth_motor -->|OC1A PWM\n and Direction| left_motor
smooth_motor -->|OC1B PWM\n and Direction| right_motor
Figure 7.8. ATmega8515 Software Block Diagram.
PD4 is set high for 10us to trigger the ultrasonic sensor. PD4 is then set low. The time it takes for the echo to return is measured. The distance is then calculated using the formula:
Table 7.1. The calculated distance and the actual distance.
Actual Distance (cm) | Time (us) | Calculated Distance (cm) | % Error |
33.02 | 2003 | 34.53 | 4.59 |
63.5 | 3711 | 63.98 | 0.76 |
124.46 | 7135 | 123.02 | 1.16 |
The above table shows that the ultrasonic sensors are accurate enough for the rover's purposes.
There are 3 ultrasonar sensors being used simultaneously. All of the sensors are triggered at the same time. The echos are read using INT0, INT1 and INT2. The 16-bit Timer 1 is used to measure the timestamps of the echo goes high and when the echo goes low. The difference is then calculated to get the time it takes for the echo to return. The sensors are triggered every time the Timer 1 overflows.
The below is an example interrupt service routine for the ultrasonic sensor. This code can be found in avr/sonar.inc
; push to undo side effects
sbis PIND, PD2
rjmp sonar_echo0_low
; save the time when echo goes high
rjmp sonar_echo0_end
; save the time when echo goes low
; pop to undo side effects
Timer 1 is also used to generate the PWM for the motors. OC1A and OC1B are used to control the left and right motors respectively. The duty cycle is controlled by the OCR1A
and OCR1B
registers. The duty cycle is then changed by the ESP32 via the Acknowledged Serial.
The actual duty cycle is slowly changed to the desired duty cycle to prevent drawing too much current from the power supply.
The ESP32 will send a signed 8-bit integer to the AVR. If the value is negative, the motor will move in reverse. If the value is positive, the motor will move forward. The absolute value of the integer is the duty cycle.
; set motor 0 pwm and direction
; r16: signed speed
push r16
cpi r16, 0
brge motor0_set_for
sbi MOTOR_MODE, MOTOR0_REV ; motor is reversed
neg r16 ; absolute value
rjmp motor0_set_end
cbi MOTOR_MODE, MOTOR0_REV ; motor is forward
rcall double_s8_to_u8 ; r16 *= 2
rcall motor0_speed
pop r16
The above code block is from avr/motor.inc
. The double_s8_to_u8
subroutine is used to double the 8-bit signed integer and convert it to unsigned. In essence, we are taking the magitude and doubling it. The motor0_speed
subroutine is used to set the duty cycle of the motor.
This is implemented using the USART. The ATmega8515 will send an acknowledgement to the ESP32 when it receives a message with the correct parity.
To prevent blocking the main loop when sending a message, both read and write are implemented with circular buffers of 128 bytes. This is done because before writing to UDR, the buffer must be empty. Therefore, this operation may be blocking.
Both Head and Tail pointers are 8-bit and their purpose differs depending on the operation. So there are 4 pointers in total:
- Head Pointers: The pointers that writes to the buffer.
- RX: When the ATmega8515 receives a byte from the USART.
- TX: When the code wants to send a byte to the USART.
- Tail Pointers: The pointers that reads from the buffer.
- RX: When the code wants to read a byte from the buffer.
- TX: When the ATmega8515 sends a byte to the USART.
Since the pointers are 8-bit and the buffers are 128 bytes, the most significant bit is discarded using the andi
will always attempt to send a byte if the circular buffer is not empty. The tail pointer is only incremented after an ACK is received. Please see avr/ack_serial.inc
for more information.
To prevent blocking the main loop on the AVR, the request handler on the AVR is implemented as a state machine. This is built ontop of the Acknowledged Serial. Please see avr/handle.inc
for more information. There are two types of states:
- Read States:
- Motor0: ESP32 is setting the left motor duty cycle and direction
- Motor1: Set right motor
- Write: Write characters to the LCD
- Command: Execute a command on the LCD
- Single-Shot States:
- None: No request is being handled
- Sonar0: ESP32 is requesting the distance from the front ultrasonic sensor (2 bytes will be sent subsequently)
- Sonar1: Read left ultrasonic sensor (2 bytes will be sent subsequently)
- Sonar2: Read right ultrasonic sensor (2 bytes will be sent subsequently)
- Clear: Clear the LCD character buffer
Single-Shot states will be executed within the same subroutine call and will immediately return to the None state. Read states will be executed over multiple subroutine (one addtional) calls to gather the data (one byte) to set a motor speed or write to the LCD.
The following code block enumerates all the AVR modes. This code can be found in esp/src/avr_serial.h
enum AvrMode
MODE_NONE = 100,
MODE_SONAR0 = 101,
MODE_SONAR1 = 102,
MODE_SONAR2 = 103,
MODE_MOTOR0 = 104,
MODE_MOTOR1 = 105,
flowchart LR
update_begin[Update Begin]
update_return[Update Return]
is_active{Is active?}
is_playing{Is already\nplaying\nnote?}
play_next[Play Next Note]
update_begin --> is_active
is_active -->|No| update_return
is_active -->|Yes| is_playing
is_playing -->|Yes| update_return
is_playing -->|No| play_next
play_next --> update_return
Figure 7.9. Speaker and Tune Player.
OC0 (PB0) is used to output the waveform to the LM386 amplifier. It is connected to a 9V battery to produce louder sound. There is a filter formed by C2 and R7 to filter out high frequency noise.
TCCR0 is set to Clear Timer on Compare with OCR0 as the max value. There is a prescaler of 8 to bring the frequency down to our hearing range.
The avr/notes.inc
file is generated using avr/notes_gen.py
to quickly change the frequency range of the notes, in other words, transpose the notes. The tunes are stored in the avr/tunes.inc
file. The tunes are hard coded using the defined equates. The below is an example of the tune for the Metro tune.
However, the tunes are not directly played from CSEG, they are transfered to DSEG first using the following code in the tunes_init
ldi ZH, high(TUNES_METRO << 1)
ldi ZL, low(TUNES_METRO << 1)
rcall copy_cstring_zx
This project is mostly software enabled, therefore, there is minimal physical adjustments required for its operation. However, the ultrasonic sensors are tested for accuracy. The results are shown in Table 7.1.
There is a potentiometer on the PCB to adjust the volume of the speaker.
There is a potentiometer on the PCB to adjust the contrast of the LCD.
- LCD is not displaying anything or skipping characters. The tunes are playing twice faster:
- The AVR is likely running at 2MHz. Reset the AVR to 1MHz by setting the reset pin to low or plugging the ISP cable in.
- Odometer is not keeping up with the wheel rotations:
- Make sure the hall effect sensors are close enough to the magnets on the wheels.
- The wheels are spinning too slowly. The rover is not moving:
- The 9V batteries are likely low. Replace them.
- The ESP starting message is displayed, but is stuck after that.
- The camera is likely not connected properly.
- The ESP is not connecting to the network:
- Make sure the SSID and password are correct.
- Make sure the ESP32 is in the correct mode.
- Distance readings are wrong:
- Ensure that the ultrasonic sensors are not obstructed nor dirty.
- If the ultrasonic sensors are too close to the ground, they may read the ground instead of the obstacle.
- Make sure that the obtacle can bounce the sound back. Some materials absorb sound or reflect it in a different direction.
- If none of the above works, the ultrasonic sensors may be faulty.
Figure 1A. The rear diagram of the Wireless Rover.
Figure 2A. WRover Waiting ESP.
Figure 3A. WRover ESP Starting.
Figure 4A. WRover Waiting Setup.
Figure 5A. WRover ESP Connecting.
Figure 6A. WRover ESP Connected.
Figure 7A. WRover ESP Setup Required.
Figure 8A. Serial Setup Page.
Figure 9A. Web No Serial.
Figure 10A. Serial Port Selection.
Figure 11A. Scanning Networks.
Figure 12A. Network List.
Figure 13A. Connect Network.
Figure 14A. IP Connect.
Figure 15A. IP Connect Failed.
Figure 16A. Camera Resolution Selection.
Figure 17A. Click to Move.
Figure 18A. Circuit Schematic and Wiring Diagram.
Figure 19A. PCB Ultiboard Layout. There is space on the left to allow the mouting of the Dual H-Bridge.
Please see the source code hosted on GitHub at https://schoolwei.github.io/wireless-rover/. The code snippets within this document are directly inlined for convenience.
Table 1C. Bill of Materials.
Hat (^) indicates that the item is included in the above kit.
Around 195.32 CAD was spent on the project to build a single unit. The most expensive components were the ultrasonic sensors and the ESP32. The least expensive components were the resistors and the LM386 amplifier. This project can be cheaper if all components are bought in bulk.
Web Application
Please see web/package.json
for the list of dependencies.
- Next.js for static site generation
- Shadcn UI for the UI components
- React Three Fiber for the 3D rendering
Please see esp/platformio.ini
for the list of dependencies.
- ESP Software Serial for more serial ports
- ArduinoJson for marshalling and unmarshalling JSON
- ESP Async Web Server for the WebSocket server
- VSCode Markdown PDF for generating the PDF
- Mermaid for the code-defined diagrams