This repository maintains the Dockerfile and scripts to build docker image for Apache CloudStack Management Server.
docker build -f Dockerfile -t weizhouapache/cloudstack-management .
Edit cloudstack-mgt01.yaml and update to proper configuration
apt install docker-compose -y
docker-compose -f cloudstack-mgt01.yaml up -d
docker-compose -f cloudstack-mgt01.yaml ps
docker-compose -f cloudstack-mgt01.yaml exec mgt01 bash
The container IP is accessible from other hosts, except the container host.
To access container IP from the container host, or vice versa:
ip link add cloudstack-nic link eth0 type macvlan mode bridge
ip addr add dev cloudstack-nic (only if the host IP is in different range as container IP)
ip link set cloudstack-nic up
ip route add dev cloudstack-nic
You need to install mysql server in advance. You can create a mariadb galera cluster, refer to
Please note, GET_LOCK is not supported if WSREP_ON is ON. (This has been fixed
mysql> SELECT GET_LOCK('lock',10);
ERROR 1235 (42000): This version of MariaDB doesn't yet support 'GET_LOCK in cluster (WSREP_ON=ON)'
To fix it, make the following change in the containers and restart them.
sed -i "s/wsrep_on = ON/wsrep_on = OFF/g" /etc/mysql/conf.d/90-galera.cnf
cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:cloud@ \
--deploy-as=root:cloudstack \
-e file -m mgtkey -k dbkey -i
To manage cloudstack management service:
/usr/bin/cloudstack-management status/start/stop/restart
To manage cloudstack usage service:
/usr/bin/cloudstack-usage status/start/stop/restart