Eu.tmux is a Tmux plugin(throught TPM). It aims to help Tmux user to simplify configurations, especially for theme configuration, customization, and dynamic theme generation.
Eu.tmux is not for Tmux layout or Tmux session management. Try tmuxp and tmuxinator instead.
You can create new random dynamic theme and apply immediately by key PREFEX g
. In theory, you can have unlimited dynamic theme. Note: by default, new dynamic theme will override the old one. In another word, only one dynamic theme is saved automatically.
- Fonts
Eu.tmux can work perfectly if the morden fonts (E.g. Nerd Fonts) are installed for the terminal. These morden fonts support different UNICODE characters which could be used as decoration for Eu.tmux themes.
- Python 3.9+ and Bash 4.0+
Eu.tmux is developed with Python and Bash programming languages. In most cases, both are already available in your work environment. If not, please install them separately. The latset version are recommended.
- Tmux 3.2a+
This is nonsense. You must have Tmux installed to use Eu.tmux to decorate it.
- Terminal Application
Tmux is not a terminal emulator but a terminal multiplexer. To use Tmux, you have to install terminal applications in advance. If you work on Windows, you can use Windows Terminal, PuTTY. If you work on Linux, you probably have more choices.
Option1: Configure in .tmux.conf
file as TPM plugin.
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'wenijinew/eu.tmux'
Run command tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
if Tmux is already running and PREFIX I
to clone this repo to ~/.tmux/plugins/
If you use Tmux 3.2-
version, you have to add the line set-option -gq terminal-overrides ',xterm*:Tc'
at the top of .tmux.conf
as well.
git clone
Go to eu.tmux and run ./eutmux.tmux
After installation, user can use bind-keys as follows for theme settings:
Note: by default, PREFIX is C-b
- Create and apply a dynamic theme. You can have unlimited different dynamic themes. This is the most recommended usage because you can alway have totally fresh and probably unique theme.PREFIX G
- Reset to the default theme. In case you want to go back to the place where dreams begin.PREFIX a
- Show all available themes. To show all themes in popup. You can apply any specific theme in command line:eutmux.tmux -t [THEME NAME]
- Rotate all available themes. If you prefer to use available themes, and sometimes want to change a bit, then rotate the available themes.
To create own theme, simply copy dynamic.theme.yaml
to the new them file. Then, do customization in the new theme file.
To set the new theme as default theme, update $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eutmux/eutmux.yaml
file to change theme name to new theme.
More bind-keys are set by default as follows:
- enable synchronize-panes (typing in all panes simultaneously in current windows).PREFIX C-k
- disable synchronize-panes (typing in all panes simultaneously in current windows).M-Left
- select the left window. (if in the first window, then go to last window)M-Right
- select the right window. (if in the last window, then go to first window)M-l
- select the previous working window.M-j
- go to the left pane in the same horizontal level. if no more left, then go to the last pane in the same hozontal level.M-k
- go to the downward pane in the same vertial level. if no more downward pane, then go to the first pane in the same vertial level.
After installation, the default configuration file was copied to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eutmux/eutmux.yaml
. In the configuration file ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eutmux/eutmux.yaml
), user can do customization.
- theme: theme file name without extension(
) - general/options: any kinds of Tmux options (but only those with simple values are recommended to put here).
is the option name,value
is the option value. For switch options, usetrue
, "on" or "off" are all supported. - general/styles: Tmux options ending with
such asmessage-style
. Mainly forfg
settings. - general/commands: general Tmux commands but mainly for
. - status_left: a list of one or more supported Tmux FORMATS could be configured here. Each of them is a
is name,value
is adict
is one of the supported keys:enabled
. Note:icon
are UNICODE charactors which represents graphs . By default,enabled
is empty. Other keys are optional and the ones in theme file will be used if not configured in the configuration file (if they are configured in configuration file, they have higher priority - will overrides the ones from theme file). Value offg_***
could be HEX value such as#ff0efa
(lower case) or Color Identity such asC_1_2
. - window: includes 2 sections:
for current window and other windows. Both supports keyswindow_name
, and all keys supported bystatus-left
. - status_right: same with
but for right side of the status line. By default, except for current directory name and date time,CPU
, andDesk
usage are displayed on status_right. Those 3 parts are handled by bash scripts:,, User can add more similar components by adding similar shell script file under$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eutmux/
Theme file is to decouple icon, decorator, style and color configurations from the main configuration file. Refer to the Template Theme File for details. The Template Theme File is mainly used for Dynamic Theme generation. All color values in the Template Theme File are Color Identity such as C_1_3
which will be replaced with specific color HEX value such as #ff7834
when Dynamic Theme is generated. Therefore, in generated Dynamic Theme file, all color values are HEX value and not color identity anymore.
Note: User can have their own Template Theme File. The customized Template Theme File name should be configured in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eutmux/eutmux.yaml
by general\options\_eutmux_template_name
The customized Template Theme File should be located in the eutmux configuration root directory $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eutmux/
Dynamic theme relies on RGB, Hue, HLS and Color Scheme technologies. Simply, use one random RGB color and then find out n
other colors with 360 degrees. For example, if n
is 3, then other 2 colors are from 120
and 240
degrees of Hue. These colors are called base colors. Once base colors are generated, light colors are generated.
By default, dynamic theme uses 6
different random base color sets. One of them is dark
color set which is used for status-line bg
. Other 5
colors are for status-line components bg
and fg
. The light color total is 5
by default. Therefore, each dynamic theme consists of 36
different colors - 6
base color and 30
light color. However, in Template Theme File for details, only 11
of them are used by default. To make the status-line more colors, user can make tuning in Template Theme File for details.
Dynamic colors are generated and saved in palette file - dynamic_palette.txt. The conent of palette file follows the format: [color identity]=[color hex code]
such as C_5_4:#685255
The total number of base color and light color are configurable with customized Tmux options @eutmux_base_color_total
and @eutmux_light_color_total
Note: till now, dynamic theme only work for color of the themes not for icon, decorator, and style. In another word, only color could be dynamic. I don't see the need of dynamic theme for icon, decorator, and style yet.
Color identity plays the place holder role. When dynmamic theme is generated, all color identities are replaced with concrete color HEX codes.
Value of each color identity follows the format C_[base color index]_[light color index]
. Base color index starts from 1
and light color index starts from 0
(lightest). So, by default, the color identities are from C_1_0
to C_6_5
Note, here, base color in base color index should be understood as group of the colors rather than the concrete color HEX codes which are all from light color which includes both base color and light color. (A bit confusing but I need more time to think about the better names to easily distinguish them.)
Color identity could be used in Configuration File also. In fact, Eu.tmux always generates dynamic configuration file by replacing color identities with color codes from palette file.
Eu.tmux is developed with Python and Bash programming languages.
Python modules are use to generate dynamic palette, parse configuration file and theme file, generate Tmux commands to set options and bind keys.
Bash scripts are use to accept client parameters, create dynamic configuration file or theme file, run generated Tmux commands to apply configurations and theme.
Anybody are welcome to contribute for new features or fix bugs. Before you start, please carefully read CONTRIBUTING and CODE OF CONDUCT.Please make sure you respect it.
Learn more detail by reading the flow chart below:
Eu.tmux is derived from catppuccin/tmux. Thanks all contributors and their great work on catppuccin/tmux.
If you like Eu.tmux, don't forget to leave a star ⭐️.