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TestNG Training Project


Level 0:

0.1: TestNG Author: Cedric Beust(
0.2: TestNG Site:
0.3: TestNG Projects
    1. TestNG:
    2. Remote-TestNG:
    3. TestNG-Eclipse:

Level 1: Write a TestNG test and run it in Eclipse.

1.1 Knows about org.testng.annotations.Test & org.testng.Assert - different from assert keyword of Java (-ea)
1.2 Knows about difference between Java assert keyword and TestNG Assert class
1.3 Knows about the TestNG test result report - test-output/index.html.
1.4 Knows about the entry of TestNG test execution and testng.xml file.

Level 2: Basic configuration methods by annotations

1.1 Knows about what annotations can be used for configuration methods - @BeforeXXX and @AfterXXX, except for @BeforeGroups and @AfterGroups
1.2 Knows about the basic execution life-cycle related to configuration methods and test methods.

Level 3: Groups

3.1: Knows about how to define groups in TestNG class and testng.xml file - groups of groups.
3.2: Knows about how to run groups in class and package.
3.3: Knows about how to run configuration method related to groups.

Level 4: Parameterization

4.1: Knows about how to define test method parameters
4.2: Knows about how to define parameters in testng.xml file in suite and test level
4.3: Knows about how to use DataProvider - normal data provider and static data provider
4.4: Knows about return data type of data provider method

Level 5: Dependency

5.1: Knows about how to define dependency on methods and groups.
5.2: Knows about hard/soft dependency difference and usage.
5.3: Knows about dependency usage in testng.xml file.

Level 6: Parallelism

6.1: Knows about how to use run suites/tests/classes/instances/methods in parallel respectively.
6.2: Knows about how to configure thread count in parallel execution.
6.3: Knows about how to define timeout value for parallel execution.

Level 7: Rerun failed test

7.1: Knows about the automatically generated suite xml file for failed test cases under the directory specified by -d. In default, it's $user.dir/test-output/testng-failed.xml.
7.2: Use joint commands or multiple suite xml file to run test and then failed test.

Level 8: Junit test execution

8.1: Knows about the configuration in suite xml file about junit test cases/suites execution.
8.2: Limitation?

Level 9: Run TestNg in your own program

9.1: Knows about how to run TestNg by programming.
9.2: Be familiar with TestNg APIs

Level 10: BeanShell usage

10.1: Knows about what's BeanShell and it's basic usage.
10.2: Knows about how to use BeanShell in suite xml file.

Level 11: Annotation Transformers

11.1: Knows about the purpose of Annotation Transformers -
11.2: Knows about the interface: org.testng.IAnnotationTransformer - an sub-interface of org.testng.ITestNGListener
    11.2.1: org.testng.IAnnotationTransformer is used to modify the annotation:@Test
    11.2.2: org.testng.IAnnotationTransformer2 can be used to modify any other annotations such as any configuration annotation or @Factory or @DataProvider
11.3: Knows about how to use the implementation in TestNG:
    11.3.1: java org.testng.TestNG -listener MyTransformer testng.xml
    11.3.2: TestNG tng = new TestNG(); tng.setAnnotationTransformer(new MyTransformer());

Level 12: Method Interceptors

Level 13: Listeners

13.0: Difference between Listeners and Configuration Methods - @BeforeXXX / @AfterXXX?
    Listeners - global
    Configuration methods - local (suite/test/class/method)
13.1: org.testng.ITestNGListener - marker interface
org.testng.IAlterSuiteListener - Altering Suites or Tests - <listeners> or service loader
org.testng.IHookable - Overriding test methods - control test methods invocation in hook way.
org.testng.IMethodInterceptor - powerful control for test methods execution order for those without dependency

Level 14: Dependency Injection

Level 15: IHookable Usage

Level 16: @Factory Usage

16.1: Knows about @Factory usage - create a class to provide a method with annotation @Factory. The method creates a number of Test class instances as return value.
16.2: Knows about configuration in suite xml file by using class with method having @Factory - just use the class name as value of <class name="" />
16.3: Knows about how TsetNG use / handle @Factory annotation.

Level Final: TestNg Source Code Study

F1: Knows how TestNG collects Test Method and how to organize them
    org.testng.internal.TestNGMethodFinder.findConfiguration(Class, int)

F2: Knows about how to build TestNG by source code:
    $ git clone git://
    $ cd testng
    $ ./build-with-gradle


TestNG Training Exercise Project







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