This is a CPU implementation of knowledge distillation in Caffe.
This code is heavily based on softmax_loss_layer.hpp and softmax_loss_layer.cpp.
Please refer to the paper
Hinton, G. Vinyals, O. and Dean, J. Distilling knowledge in a neural network. 2015.
- Install Caffe in your directory
- Clone this repository in your directory
cd $ROOT
git clone
- Move files to your Caffe folder
cp $ROOT/knowledge_distillation_layer.hpp $CAFFE/include/caffe/layers
cp $ROOT/knowledge_distillation_layer.cpp $CAFFE/src/caffe/layers
- Modify
addoptional KnowledgeDistillationParameter
message LayerParameter {
//next available layer-specific ID
optional KnowledgeDistillationParameter knowledge_distillation_param = 147;
add message KnowledgeDistillationParameter
message KnowledgeDistillationParameter {
optional float temperature = 1 [default = 1];
- Build Caffe
KnowledgeDistillation Layer has one specific parameter temperature
The layer takes 2 or 3 input blobs:
: the logits of the student
: the logits of the teacher
(optional): label inputs
The logits are first divided by temperatrue T, then mapped to probability distributions over classes using the softmax function. The layer computes KL divergence instead of cross entropy. The gradients are multiplied by T^2, as suggested in the paper.
- Common setting in
(2 input blobs are given)
layer {
name: "KD"
type: "KnowledgeDistillation"
bottom: "student_logits"
bottom: "taecher_logits"
top: "KL_div"
include { phase: TRAIN }
knowledge_distillation_param { temperature: 4 } #usually larger than 1
loss_weight: 1
- If you have ignore_label, 3 input blobs should be given
layer {
name: "KD"
type: "KnowledgeDistillation"
bottom: "student_logits"
bottom: "taecher_logits"
bottom: "label"
top: "KL_div"
include { phase: TRAIN }
knowledge_distillation_param { temperature: 4 }
loss_param {ignore_label: 2}
loss_weight: 1