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Andres Freyria edited this page Jun 28, 2017 · 6 revisions


Collection resource consisting of wepow:application resources.


Name Type Description
count Number The total number of wepow:application resources.

Links / Embedded Resources

Relation Description
self The resource full representation
wepow:interview The interview that these applications belongs to
wepow:application An array of application representations
wepow:application Templated -- A link to a specific application
wepow:applications:status Templated -- The status resource of several applications
wepow:applications:invitation Templated -- The candidate invitation resource of several applications


  "count" : 1,

  "_embedded" : {
    "wepow:application": [
        "id": "4fbe6fe6a8326c0de7000003",
        "evaluation_status": "pending",
        "status": "new",

        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/hypermedia/applications/4fbe6fe6a8326c0de7000003"
          "wepow:interview": {
            "href": "/hypermedia/interviews/4fbe6d9ca8326c0c25000049"
          "wepow:candidate": {
            "href": "/hypermedia/candidates/4fbe6fe6a8326c0de7000001"
  "_links" : {
    "self": {
      "href": "/hypermedia/interviews/4fbe6d9ca8326c0c25000049/applications"
    "wepow:application": {
      "templated": true,
      "href": "/hypermedia/applications{/id}"
    "wepow:applications:status": {
      "templated": true,
      "href": "/hypermedia/applications/{ids}/reset"
    "wepow:applications:invitation": {
      "templated": true,
      "href": "/hypermedia/applications/{ids}/resend"




  • 200: The resource representation is returned.



A new wepow:application can be created by sending the following params:

  • candidate : The candidate object that will be associated to the new application.
  • candidate[email] : The email of the candidate.
  • candidate[first_name] : The first name of the candidate (or equivalent).
  • candidate[last_name] : The last name of the candidate (or equivalent).
  • candidate[external_id] : An ID that will be linked to the resulting application. Setting this field will allow clients to link applications to their own systems when the notifications arrive.
  • candidate[send_emails] : Boolean that controls whether the invitation is sent or not. Defaults to true. If you choose to not send the invitation, you must later provide the candidate with the wepow:application:invitation-link relation to begin the interview. This option is NOT available with bulk creation.

Only the email is required, although it is strongly recommended to include everything, as this will improve the candidate search function. If the candidate already exists, the new application will be sent to him / her. Otherwise, a new candidate will be created and the new application will be sent to him / her.

Sample request:

{ "candidate" : { "email" : "", "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe", "external_id" : "123456789" } }


  • 200: The new resource representation is returned.
  • 400: The interview is not accepting new applications.
  • 422: The input was invalid.