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This Flutter package offers a Calendar Widget featuring a Day, MultiDay and Month views. Moreover, it empowers you to tailor the visual and behavioral aspects of the calendar.


  • Consider v0.5.0 a new package as it has undergone major changes.
  • This is a WIP package so there will be breaking changes until version 1.0.0.

Web Demo

Try it out here


  • Views: Day, Multi-day and Month.
  • Reschedule: Drag and Drop events.
  • Resize: Resize events on desktop and mobile.
  • Controllers: Manage your calendar with these controllers. find out more
  • Behavior: Choose how you want to handle interaction with the calendar. find out more
  • Appearance: Customize the default components or provide custom builders. find out more
  • Event layout: Use a provided layout strategy or create a custom one. find out more



  • Views: Add Schedule and FreeScroll, improvements to the Month view.
  • Directionality: Right to Left directionality.
  • Repeating Events: Repeating events that only have to be added once.


  • Event layout: Examples of how to leverage this to achieve specific tasks.

Basic Usage

A minimal example to get you started:

final eventsController = DefaultEventsController();
final calendarController = CalendarController();
final tileComponents = TileComponents(
  tileBuilder: (event) => Container(color:,

/// Add a [CalendarEvent] to the [EventsController].
void addEvents() {
    dateTimeRange: DateTimeRange(start: now, end: now.add(const Duration(hours: 1))),
    data: "Event 1",

Widget build(BuildContext context) {  
  return CalendarView(
    eventsController: eventsController,
    calendarController: calendarController,
    viewConfiguration: MultiDayViewConfiguration.singleDay(),
    callbacks: CalendarCallbacks(
      onEventTapped: (event, renderBox) => controller.selectEvent(event),
      onEventCreate: (event) => event.copyWith(data: "Some data"),
      onEventCreated: (event) => eventsController.addEvent(event),
    header: CalendarHeader(
      multiDayTileComponents: tileComponents,
    body: CalendarBody(
      multiDayTileComponents: tileComponents,
      monthTileComponents: tileComponents,


Currently there are two views the MultiDayView and MonthView.

  • The MultiDayView displays time on the vertical axis. (This view is special in that the header can display time on the horizontal axis as well)
  • The MonthView displays time on a horizontal axis.

These two views can be configured with ViewConfiguration objects.


The MultiDayViewConfiguration has constructors for generic use cases such as:


The MonthViewConfiguration currently only has one constructor.


The two controllers EventsController and CalendarController do what their names imply:


The EventsController manages and exposes events to calendar widgets. It has a few functions to manipulate events:

  • addEvent Add a new event.
  • addEvents Add multiple new events.
  • removeEvent Remove a event.
  • removeEvents Removes a list of events.
  • removeWhere Remove events where they match a test case.
  • updateEvent Updates an event.
  • byId Returns an event with the given id if it exists.
  • clearEvents Clear all the stored events.
  • eventsFromDateTimeRange Returns events that occur during the given dateTimeRange.


The CalendarController allows you to manage a single calendar widget.

It exposes details about what the widget is displaying.

  • visibleDateTimeRange: A ValueNotifier containing the DateTimeRange that is currently visible.
  • visibleEvents: A ValueNotifier that contains the CalendarEvents that are currently visible.
  • selectedEvent: A ValueNotifier that contains the selected CalendarEvent.

The selectedEvent is the event that currently has focus within the calendar widget. This results in the TileComponents.dropTargetTile being rendered on top of the selected event's widget, on mobile if a event is selected it wil render the resize handles as well.

This controller has a few functions for navigating the calendar widget:

  • jumpToPage: Jump to a specific page.
  • jumpToDate: Jump to a specific date.
  • animateToNextPage: Animate to the next page.
  • animateToPreviousPage: Animate to the previous page.
  • animateToDate: Animate to the given date.
  • animateToDateTime: Animate to the given date time.
  • animateToEvent Animate to the given event.

The CalendarController makes use of a ViewController which implements these functions for a specific view type (MultiDay, Month). These specific implementations of the ViewController (MultiDayViewController, MonthViewController) uses the ViewConfiguration, which has specific implementations these functions.



The calendar has a few useful callback functions, which can change how interactions with the calendar widget is handled.

CalendarCallbacks details
  // Called when an event is tapped.
  onEventTapped: (event, renderBox) {},

  // Called when an event is about to be created.
  onEventCreate: (event) {
    // This allows you to modify the event before it is created.
    return event.copyWith(data: data);
  // Called when a new event has been created.
  onEventCreated: (event) {
    // Add the event to the eventsController.

  // Called before a event is changed.
  onEventChange: (event) {}

  // Called when a event has been changed (rescheduled / resized)
  onEventChanged: (event, updatedEvent) {
    // Do something with the updated event.
    // ex. Update it in your database/long term storage.

  // Called when a page is changed.
  // Alternatively you can listen to the [CalendarController.visibleDateTimeRange] for updates.
  onPageChanged: (visibleDateTimeRange) {},

  /// Called when a user taps on the calendar (Multiday body).
  onTapped(date) {},

  /// Called when a user taps on the calendar (Multiday header / Month body).
  onMultiDayTapped(dateRange) {},

Header and Body

The CalendarHeader and CalendarBody both take configuration object's for the different ViewConfigurations. These configuration classes allow you to choose what interactions are allowed and how they work.

Some behaviors that can be customized:

  • Allow the user to create events.
  • Allow the user to resize events.
  • Allow the user to reschedule events.
  • The trigger to create a new event.
  • Event snapping.
  • Page/Scroll navigation when rescheduling events.
  • Page/Scroll physics.
  • Event layout strategy.


  multiDayHeaderConfiguration: MultiDayHeaderConfiguration(
    // Whether to show event tiles, useful if you want to display the header but not the tiles.
    showTiles: true,
    // The height of the tiles.
    tileHeight: 24,
    // Allow events to be resized.
    allowResizing: true,
    // Allow events to be rescheduled.
    allowRescheduling: true,
    // Allow events to be created.
    allowEventCreation: true,
    // The layout strategy used to layout events.
    eventLayoutStrategy: defaultMultiDayLayoutStrategy,
    // The configuration for triggering page navigation.
    pageTriggerConfiguration: PageTriggerConfiguration(),
    // The configuration for triggering scroll navigation.
    scrollTriggerConfiguration: ScrollTriggerConfiguration(),
  multiDayBodyConfiguration: MultiDayBodyConfiguration(
    // Whether to show events that are longer than 1 day.
    showMultiDayEvents: true,
    // Allow events to be resized.
    allowResizing: true,
    // Allow events to be rescheduled.
    allowRescheduling: true,
    // Allow events to be created.
    allowEventCreation: true,
    // The gesture used to create new events.
    createEventGesture: CreateEventGesture.tap,
    // The snap interval ex. 15 events will snap to every 15 minute interval.
    snapIntervalMinutes: 15,
    // Whether to snap to the time indicator.
    snapToTimeIndicator: true,
    // Whether to snap to other events.
    snapToOtherEvents: true,
    // The range in which events will be snapped, 
    // ex. 15 minutes: A event will snap to other events that are within 15 minutes from it.
    snapRange: Duration(minutes: 5),
    // The padding between events and the edge of the day.
    horizontalPadding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 0, right: 4),
    // The configuration for triggering page navigation.
    pageTriggerConfiguration: PageTriggerConfiguration(),
    // The configuration for triggering scroll navigation.
    scrollTriggerConfiguration: ScrollTriggerConfiguration(),
    // The layout strategy used by the body to layout events.
    eventLayoutStrategy: overlapLayoutStrategy,
    // The physics used by the scrollable body.
    scrollPhysics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
    // The physics used by the page view.
    pageScrollPhysics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
  // The MonthBody makes use the MultiDayHeaderConfiguration
  monthBodyConfiguration: MultiDayHeaderConfiguration(
    // Whether to show event tiles, useful if you want to display the header but not the tiles.
    showTiles: true,
    // The height of the tiles.
    tileHeight: 24,
    // Allow events to be resized.
    allowResizing: true,
    // Allow events to be rescheduled.
    allowRescheduling: true,
    // Allow events to be created.
    allowEventCreation: true,
    // The layout strategy used to layout events.
    eventLayoutStrategy: defaultMultiDayLayoutStrategy,
    // The configuration for triggering page navigation.
    pageTriggerConfiguration: PageTriggerConfiguration(),
    // The configuration for triggering scroll navigation.
    scrollTriggerConfiguration: ScrollTriggerConfiguration(),

Zoom Example

It is possible to zoom the calendar in/out. The demo example shows how this can be accomplished with the CalendarZoomDetector

Customizing the look

There are a few ways to customize the look of the calendar:

  • Tile Components allows you change the look of events rendered in the calendar.

General Components:

Tile Components

The TileComponents object is used to customize the look of the tiles displayed in the calendar. The CalendarBody and CalendarHeader have a TileComponents object that can be customized.

TileComponents details
  // The default builder for stationary event tiles.
  tileBuilder: (event) => Container(),

  // The builder for the stationary event tile. (When it is being dragged)
  tileWhenDraggingBuilder: (event) => Container(),

  // The builder for the feedback tile, follows the cursor/finger. (When it is being dragged)
  feedbackTileBuilder: (event, dropTargetWidgetSize) => Container(),

  // The builder for the drop target event tile.
  dropTargetTile: (event) => Container(),

  // The dragAnchorStrategy used by the [feedbackTileBuilder].
  dragAnchorStrategy: childDragAnchorStrategy,

  // A widget that allows you to customize where the resize handles are placed vertically.
  // Your widget should extend the `ResizeHandlePositionerWidget`
  verticalHandlePositioner: (startResizeHandle, endResizeHandle, showStart, showEnd) => ResizeHandlePositionerWidget() , 

  // The vertical resize handle.
  verticalResizeHandle: Container(),

  // A widget that allows you to customize where the resize handles are placed horizontally.
  // Your widget should extend the `ResizeHandlePositionerWidget`
  horizontalHandlePositioner: (startResizeHandle, endResizeHandle, showStart, showEnd) => ResizeHandlePositionerWidget() ,

  // The horizontal resize handle.
  horizontalResizeHandle: Container(),

General Components

The CalendarView takes a components object.

For every type of ViewConfiguration there are Header and Body components which can be customized.

By default the calendar uses default components which can be customized with ComponentStyles, you have the option to override these components by supplying a builder to the Components object.

Default Component Styles

You can style the default components by passing the CalendarView CalendarComponents object that contains a MonthComponentStyles and/or MultiDayComponentStyles.

Custom Components

  components: CalendarComponents(
    monthComponents: MonthComponents(
      headerComponents: MonthHeaderComponents(
        // Custom day header builder.
        weekDayHeaderBuilder: (date, style) => SizedBox(),
      bodyComponents: MonthBodyComponents(
        // Custom grid builder.
        monthGridBuilder: (style) => SizedBox(),
        // Custom left trigger. (Must constrain the width)
        leftTriggerBuilder: (pageWidth) => SizedBox(),
        // Custom right trigger. (Must constrain the width)
        rightTriggerBuilder: (pageWidth) => SizedBox(),
  components: CalendarComponents(
    multiDayComponents: MultiDayComponents(
      headerComponents: MultiDayHeaderComponents(
        // Custom Day Header builder.
        dayHeaderBuilder: (date, style) => CustomWidget(),

        // Custom Week Number builder.
        weekNumberBuilder: (visibleDateTimeRange, style) => CustomWidget(),

        // Custom left trigger. (Must constrain the width)
        leftTriggerBuilder: (pageWidth) => SizedBox(width: pageWidth / 20),

        // Custom right trigger. (Must constrain the width)
        rightTriggerBuilder: (pageWidth) => SizedBox(width: pageWidth / 20),
      bodyComponents: MultiDayBodyComponents(
        // Custom Hour Line builder.
        hourLines: (heightPerMinute, timeOfDayRange, style) => CustomWidget(),

        // Custom time line builder.
        timeline: (heightPerMinute, timeOfDayRange, style) => CustomWidget(),

        // Custom day separator builder.
        daySeparator: (style) => CustomWidget(),

        // Custom event indicator builder.
        timeIndicator: (timeOfDayRange, heightPerMinute, timelineWidth, style) => CustomWidget(),

        // Left trigger. (Must constrain the width)
        leftTriggerBuilder: (pageHeight) => SizedBox(width: pageHeight / 20),

        // Right trigger. (Must constrain the width)
        rightTriggerBuilder: (pageHeight) => SizedBox(width: pageHeight / 20),

        // Top trigger. (Must constrain the height)
        topTriggerBuilder: (viewPortHeight) => SizedBox(height: viewPortHeight / 20),

        // Bottom trigger. (Must constrain the height)
        bottomTriggerBuilder: (viewPortHeight) => SizedBox(height: viewPortHeight / 20),

Event layout

The packages makes use of CustomMultiChildLayout to layout event tiles. The CustomMultiChildLayout uses a MultiChildLayoutDelegate to determine the positions of tiles.

The package provides some default layoutStrategies, overlapLayoutStrategy and sideBySideLayoutStrategy for day/multi-day views. You can create your own layoutStrategy, using the two provided strategies as a reference might be useful.


An elegantly crafted Flutter calendar UI package.







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