A complete translation editor and workflow
Web interface to manage i18n translations helping to facilitate the editors of your translations. Provides a low-tech and complete workflow for importing, translating, and exporting your I18n translation files. Designed to allow you to keep the translation files inside your projects git repository where they should be.
- Import & export translations using standard i18n YAML/JSON files
- Allows managing translations for any number of apps
- Built in support for Google Translation for missing translations
- Provides an API end point to perform automated downloads of your translations
Developed as a Rails engine. So you can add to any existing app or create a brand new app with the functionality.
First add the gem to your Gemfile
### Gemfile
gem "rails_i18n_manager"
Then install and run the database migrations
bundle install
bundle exec rake rails_i18n_manager:install:migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate
### config/routes.rb
### As sub-path
mount RailsI18nManager::Engine, at: "/rails_i18n_manager", as: "rails_i18n_manager"
### OR as root-path
mount RailsI18nManager::Engine, at: "/", as: "rails_i18n_manager"
### config/routes.rb
translations_engine_subdomain = "translations"
mount RailsI18nManager::Engine,
at: "/", as: "translations_engine",
constraints: Proc.new{|request| request.subdomain == translations_engine_subdomain }
not_engine = Proc.new{|request| request.subdomain != translations_engine_subdomain }
constraints not_engine do
# your app routes here...
### config/initializers/rails_i18n_manager.rb
RailsI18nManager.config do |config|
config.google_translate_api_key = ENV.fetch("GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY", nil)
### You can use our built-in list of all locales Google Translate supports
### OR make your own list. These need to be supported by Google Translate
# config.valid_locales = ["en", "es", "fr"]
### config/routes.rb
### Using Devise
authenticated :user do
mount RailsI18nManager::Engine, at: "/rails_i18n_manager", as: "rails_i18n_manager"
### Custom devise-like
constraints ->(req){ req.session[:user_id].present? && User.find_by(id: req.session[:user_id]) } do
mount RailsI18nManager::Engine, at: "/rails_i18n_manager", as: "rails_i18n_manager"
### HTTP Basic Auth
with_http_basic_auth = ->(engine){
Rack::Builder.new do
use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV.fetch("RAILS_I18N_MANAGER_USERNAME"))) &&
ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV.fetch("RAILS_I18N_MANAGER_PASSWORD")))
mount with_http_basic_auth.call(RailsI18nManager::Engine), at: "/rails_i18n_manager", as: "rails_i18n_manager"
We provide an endpoint to retrieve your translation files at /translations
You will likely want to add your own custom authentication strategy and can do so using a routing constraint on the mount RailsI18nManager
From that point you can implement an automated mechanism to update your apps translations using the provided API end point. Some examples
An example in Ruby:
require 'open-uri'
zip_stream = URI.open('https://translations-manager.example.com/translations.zip?export_format=yaml')
IO.copy_stream(zip_stream, '/tmp/my-app-locales.zip')
`unzip /tmp/my-app-locales.zip /tmp/my-app-locales/`
`rsync --delete-after /tmp/my-app-locales/my-app/ /path/to/my-app/config/locales/`
puts "Locales are now updated, app restart not-required"
A command line example using curl:
curl https://translations-manager.example.com/translations.zip?export_format=json -o /tmp/my-app-locales.zip \
&& unzip /tmp/my-app-locales.zip /tmp/my-app-locales/ \
&& rsync --delete-after /tmp/my-app-locales/my-app/ \
&& echo "Locales are now updated, app restart not-required"
It is desirable to reduce how often import/export is performed. It is also desirable that we do not violate the regular PR lifecycle/process. The following workflow should allow for this.
When creating a PR you can just create a new YAML file named after your feature name or ticket number and then use the following format:
# config/locales/some_new_feature.yml
some_new_key: "foo"
some_new_key: "bar"
some_new_key: "baz"
Whenever releasing a new version of your application, pre-deploy or some other cadence, then you can have a step where all translation files are uploaded to the rails_i18n_manager
, have your translator folks double check everything, then export your new files and cleanup all the feature files.
The default I18n backend has some glaring issues
- It will silently show "translation_missing" text which is very undesirable
- It will not fallback to your default or any other locale
You can avoid these issues using either of the techniques below
# config/initializers/i18n.rb
Rails.configuration do |config|
config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = true # WARNING: this will raise exceptions in Production too, preventing your users from using your application even when some silly little translation is missing
config.i18n.fallbacks = [I18n.default_locale, :en].uniq # fallback to default locale, or if that is missing then fallback to english translation
You will likely find that raise_on_missing_translations
is too aggressive. Causing major outages just because a translation is missing. In that scenario its better to use something like the following:
# config/initializers/i18n.rb
Rails.configuration do |config|
config.i18n.raise_on_missing_translations = false # Instead we use the custom backend below
config.i18n.fallbacks = [I18n.default_locale, :en].uniq # fallback to default locale, or if that is missing then fallback to english translation
module I18n
class CustomI18nBackend
include I18n::Backend::Base
def translate(locale, key, options = EMPTY_HASH)
if !key.nil? && key.to_s != "i18n.plural.rule"
translation_value = lookup(locale, key, options[:scope], options)
if translation_value.blank?
if Rails.env.production?
# send an email or some other warning mechanism
# Raise exception in non-production environments
raise "Translation not found (locale: #{locale}, key: #{key})"
return nil # allow the Backend::Chain to continue to the next backend
if I18n.backend.is_a?(I18n::Backend::Chain)
I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Chain.new(
I18n.backend, # retain original backend
Run migrations using: rails db:migrate
Run server using: bin/dev
or cd test/dummy/; rails s
bundle exec rspec
We can locally test different versions of Rails using ENV['RAILS_VERSION']
export RAILS_VERSION=7.0
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
For comparison, some other projects for managing Rails translations.
- https://github.com/tolk/tolk - This is the project that inspired rails_i18n_manager. UI and file-based approach. I attempted to revive tolk but gave up as I found the codebase and workflow was really just a legacy ball of spagetti.
- https://github.com/prograils/lit
- https://github.com/alphagov/rails_translation_manager
- https://github.com/glebm/i18n-tasks
Created & Maintained by Weston Ganger - @westonganger