NetGo is a basic implementation of netcat in golang.
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git clone
cd NetGo
For Linux and Windows
For Linux
make linux
For windows
make windows
For mac
make darwin
cd build
./netgo -h
make certifs
Implemented | Flags | Description |
No | -d, --delay | Wait between read/writes |
Yes | -e, --exec | Executes the given command |
Yes | -h, --help | Display help screen |
Yes | -k, --keep-open | Accept multiple connections in listen mode |
Yes | -l, --listen | Bind and listen for incoming connections |
Yes | -m, --max-conns | Maximum simultaneous connections (default: 50) |
No | -n, --nodns | Do not resolve hostnames via DNS |
No | -u, --udp | Use UDP instead of default TCP |
No | -v, --verbose | Set verbosity level |
No | -w, --wait | Connect timeout |
No | -b, --broker | Enable connection brokering mode |
http | -x, --proxy | Specify address of host to proxy through (<http |
Yes | --send | Only send data, ignoring received; quit on EOF (print md5) |
Yes | --recv | Only receive data, never send anything (print md5) |
Yes | --tls | Connect or listen with TLS |
Yes | --tls-cert | Specify TLS certificate file (PEM) for listening |
Yes | --tls-key | Specify TLS private key (PEM) for listening |
Yes | --version | Display version information and exit |