Reimplemented libc with just 3 basic functions
ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
void *malloc(size_t size);
void free(void *ptr);
void *ft_memalloc(size_t size);
Allocates and returns a memory area of size
. The memory allocated is initialized to 0
void ft_memdel(void **ap);
Takes as a parameter address of a memory area ap
that needs to be freed, then puts the pointer to NULL
char *ft_strnew(size_t size);
Allocates and returns a string of given size
, each character of the string is initialized at \0
void ft_strdel(char **as);
Takes as a parameter address of string as
that need to be freed, then sets its pointer to NULL
void ft_strclr(char *s);
Sets every character of string s
to \0
void ft_striter(char *s, void (*f)(char *));
Applies the function f
to each character of string s
void ft_striteri(char *s, void (*f)(unsigned int, char*));
Applies function f
to each character of string s
, and passing its index as first argument
char *ft_strmap(char const *s, char (*f)(char));
Applies function f
to each character of string s
to create new string resulting from applications of f
char *ft_strmapi(char const *s, char(*f)(unsigned int, char));
Applies function f
to each character of string s
by giving its index as first argument to create new string resulting from applications of f
int ft_strequ(char const *s1, char const *s2);
Lexicographical comparison of s1
and s2
. If strings are identical function returns 1
, 0
int ft_strnequ(char const *s1, char const *s2,size_t n);
Lexicographical comparison of s1
and s2
up to n
characters or until a \0
is reached. If strings are identical, function returns 1
, 0
char *ft_strsub(char const *s, unsigned int start, size_t len);
Allocates and returns substring from string s
. The substring begins at index start
and is of size len
char *ft_strjoin(char const *s1, char const*s2);
Allocates and returns string, result of the concatenation of s1
and s2
char *ft_strtrim(char const *s);
Allocates and returns a copy of string s
without following characters space
at the beginning and at the end of the string
char **ft_strsplit(char const *s, char c);
Allocates and returns array of string s
obtained by spliting s
using character c
as a delimiter
char *ft_itoa(int n);
Allocate and returns string representing integer n
void ft_putchar(char c);
Outputs character c
to the standard output
void ft_putstr(char const *s);
Outputs string s
to the standard output
void ft_putendl(char const *s);
Outputs string s
to the standard output followed by \n
void ft_putnbr(int n);
Outputs integer n
to the standard output
void ft_putchar_fd(char c, int fd);
Outputs char c
to the file descriptor fd
void ft_putstr_fd(char const *s, int fd);
Outputs string s
to the file descriptor fd
void ft_putendl_fd(char const *s, int fd);
Outputs string s
to the file descriptor fd
followed by \n
void ft_putnbr_fd(int n, int fd);
Outputs integer n
to the file descriptor fd
t_list *ft_lstnew(void const *content, size_t content_size);
Allocates and returns pointer to an ellement of list with given content
and content_size
void ft_lstdelone(t_list **alst, void (*del)(void*, size_t));
Deletes an ellement of list alst
using del
function, set pointer to NULL
void ft_lstdel(t_list **alst, void (*del)(void*,size_t));
Deletes all ellements of list alst
using del
function, sets pointers to NULL
void ft_lstadd(t_list **alst, t_list *new);
Adds element new
at the beginning of list alst
void ft_lstiter(t_list *lst, void (*f)(t_list*));
Iterates list lst
and applies function f
to each link
t_list *ft_lstmap(t_list *lst, t_list *(*f)(t_list*));
Iterates list lst
and applies function f
to each link to create a list resulting from applications of f
long long ft_atoibase(char *set, char *str);
Converts string str
to signed integer, set
specifies base
unsigned long long ft_atouibase(char *set, char *str);
Converts string str
to unsigned integer, set
specifies base
char *ft_itoabase(char *set, long long nbr);
Converts nbr
to string, set
specifies base
char *ft_uitoabase(char *set, unsigned long long nbr);
Converts nbr
to string, set
specifies base
int ft_strin(const char *str, char c);
Searches for character c
in string str
. If c
is found returns 1
, and 0