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Really fast sync tool for S3

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  • Multi-threaded file downloading/uploading
  • Can sync to multiple ways:
    • S3 to local FS
    • Local FS to S3
    • S3 to S3
  • Retrying on errors
  • Live statistics
  • Rate limiting by objects
  • Rate limiting by bandwidth
  • Flexible filters by extension, Content-Type, ETag and object mtime

Key feature: very high speed.
Avg listing speed around 5k objects/sec for S3.
With 128 workers we get avg sync speed around 2k obj/sec (small objects 1-20 kb) (limited by 1Gb uplink).


  • Each object is loaded into RAM. So you need <avg object size> * <workers count> RAM.
    If you don't have enough RAM, you can use swap. A large (32-64 Gb) swap on SSD does not affect the tool performance.
    This happened because the tool was designed to synchronize billions of small files and optimized for this workload. To avoid this you can use streaming storage drivers (now available only for S3 and FS). It's uses less RAM, but slower on small objects.


>> s3sync --help
Really fast sync tool for S3
VersionId: dev, commit: none, built at: unknown
Usage: cli [--sn] [--sk SK] [--ss SS] [--st ST] [--sr SR] [--se SE] [--tn] [--tk TK] [--ts TS] [--tt TT] [--tr TR] [--te TE] [--s3-retry S3-RETRY] [--s3-retry-sleep S3-RETRY-SLEEP] [--s3-acl S3-ACL] [--s3-storage-class S3-STORAGE-CLASS] [--s3-keys-per-req S3-KEYS-PER-REQ] [--fs-file-perm FS-FILE-PERM] [--fs-dir-perm FS-DIR-PERM] [--fs-disable-xattr] [--fs-atomic-write] [--filter-ext FILTER-EXT] [--filter-not-ext FILTER-NOT-EXT] [--filter-ct FILTER-CT] [--filter-not-ct FILTER-NOT-CT] [--filter-after-mtime FILTER-AFTER-MTIME] [--filter-before-mtime FILTER-BEFORE-MTIME] [--filter-modified] [--filter-exist] [--filter-not-exist] [--filter-dirs] [--filter-not-dirs] [--workers WORKERS] [--debug] [--sync-log] [--sync-log-format SYNC-LOG-FORMAT] [--sync-progress] [--on-fail ON-FAIL] [--error-handling ERROR-HANDLING] [--disable-http2] [--list-buffer LIST-BUFFER] [--ratelimit-objects RATELIMIT-OBJECTS] [--ratelimit-bandwidth RATELIMIT-BANDWIDTH] SOURCE TARGET

Positional arguments:

  --sn                   Don't sign request to source AWS for anonymous access
  --sk SK                Source AWS key
  --ss SS                Source AWS session secret
  --st ST                Source AWS token
  --sr SR                Source AWS Region
  --se SE                Source AWS Endpoint
  --tn                   Don't sign request to target AWS for anonymous access
  --tk TK                Target AWS key
  --ts TS                Target AWS secret
  --tt TT                Target AWS session token
  --tr TR                Target AWS Region
  --te TE                Target AWS Endpoint
  --s3-retry S3-RETRY    Max numbers of retries to sync file
  --s3-retry-sleep S3-RETRY-SLEEP
                         Sleep interval (sec) between sync retries on error
  --s3-acl S3-ACL        S3 ACL for uploaded files. Possible values: private, public-read, public-read-write, aws-exec-read, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control
  --s3-storage-class S3-STORAGE-CLASS
                         S3 Storage Class for uploaded files.
  --s3-keys-per-req S3-KEYS-PER-REQ
                         Max numbers of keys retrieved via List request [default: 1000]
  --fs-file-perm FS-FILE-PERM
                         File permissions [default: 0644]
  --fs-dir-perm FS-DIR-PERM
                         Dir permissions [default: 0755]
  --fs-disable-xattr     Disable FS xattr for storing metadata
  --fs-atomic-write      Enable FS atomic writes. New files will be written to temp file and renamed
  --filter-ext FILTER-EXT
                         Sync only files with given extensions
  --filter-not-ext FILTER-NOT-EXT
                         Skip files with given extensions
  --filter-ct FILTER-CT
                         Sync only files with given Content-Type
  --filter-not-ct FILTER-NOT-CT
                         Skip files with given Content-Type
  --filter-after-mtime FILTER-AFTER-MTIME
                         Sync only files modified after given unix timestamp
  --filter-before-mtime FILTER-BEFORE-MTIME
                         Sync only files modified before given unix timestamp
  --filter-modified      Sync only modified files
  --filter-exist         Sync only files, that exist in target storage
  --filter-not-exist     Sync only files, that doesn't exist in target storage
  --filter-dirs          Sync only files, that ends with slash (/)
  --filter-not-dirs      Skip files that ends with slash (/)
  --workers WORKERS, -w WORKERS
                         Workers count [default: 16]
  --debug, -d            Show debug logging
  --sync-log             Show sync log
  --sync-log-format SYNC-LOG-FORMAT
                         Format of sync log. Possible values: json
  --sync-progress, -p    Show sync progress
  --on-fail ON-FAIL, -f ON-FAIL
                         Action on failed. Possible values: fatal, skip, skipmissing (DEPRECATED, use --error-handling instead) [default: fatal]
  --error-handling ERROR-HANDLING
                         Controls error handling. Sum of the values: 1 for ignoring NotFound errors, 2 for ignoring PermissionDenied errors OR 255 to ignore all errors
  --disable-http2        Disable HTTP2 for http client
  --list-buffer LIST-BUFFER
                         Size of list buffer [default: 1000]
  --ratelimit-objects RATELIMIT-OBJECTS
                         Rate limit objects per second
  --ratelimit-bandwidth RATELIMIT-BANDWIDTH
                         Set bandwidth rate limit, byte/s, Allow suffixes: K, M, G
  --help, -h             display this help and exit
  --version              display version and exit


  • Sync Amazon S3 bucket to FS:
    s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET -w 128 s3://shared fs:///opt/backups/s3/
  • Sync S3 bucket with custom endpoint to FS:
    s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET --se "" -w 128 s3://shared fs:///opt/backups/s3/
  • Sync directory (/test) from Amazon S3 bucket to FS:
    s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET -w 128 s3://shared/test fs:///opt/backups/s3/test/
  • Sync directory from local FS to Amazon S3:
    s3sync --tk KEY --ts SECRET -w 128 fs:///opt/backups/s3/ s3://shared
  • Sync directory from local FS to Amazon S3 bucket directory:
    s3sync --tk KEY --ts SECRET -w 128 fs:///opt/backups/s3/test/ s3://shared/test_new/
  • Sync one Amazon bucket to another Amazon bucket:
    s3sync --tk KEY2 --ts SECRET2 --sk KEY1 --ss SECRET1 -w 128 s3://shared s3://shared_new
  • Sync S3 bucket with custom endpoint to another bucket with custom endpoint:
    s3sync --tk KEY2 --ts SECRET2 --sk KEY1 --ss SECRET1 --se "" --te "" -w 128 s3://shared s3://shared_new
  • Sync one Amazon bucket directory to another Amazon bucket:
    s3sync --tk KEY2 --ts SECRET2 --sk KEY1 --ss SECRET1 -w 128 s3://shared/test/ s3://shared_new
  • Use streaming S3 transfers (reduces memory, might be slower for small files): s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET --tk KEY --ts SECRET -w 128 s3s://shared/test/ s3s://shared_new

SOURCE and TARGET should be a directory. Syncing of single file are not supported (This will not work s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET s3://shared/ fs:///opt/backups/s3/)

You can use filters.

  • Timestamp filter (--filter-after-mtime arg) syncing only files, that has been changed after specified timestamp. Its useful for diff backups.
  • File extension filter (--filter-ext arg) syncing only files, that have specified extension. Can be specified multiple times (Like this --filter-ext .jpg --filter-ext .png --filter-ext .bmp).
  • Content-type filter (--filter-ct arg) syncing only files, that have specified content-type. Can be specified multiple times.
  • Etag filter (--filter-modified) sync only modified files. It have few restrictions. If you are using FS storage, the files must be created using s3sync. FS storage should also support xattr.
  • There are also inverted filters (--filter-not-ext, --filter-not-ct and --filter-before-mtime).


Download binary from Release page.
Or use docker image larrabee/s3sync like this:

docker run --rm -ti larrabee/s3sync --tk KEY2 --ts SECRET2 --sk KEY1 --ss SECRET1 -w 128 s3://shared/test/ s3://shared_new


Minimum go version: 1.13
Build it with:

go mod vendor
go build -o s3sync ./cli 

Using module

You can easy use s3sync in your application. See example in cli/ folder.




s3sync is a non-destructive one-way sync: it does not delete files in the destination or source paths that are out of sync.


Really fast sync tool for S3







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  • Go 99.6%
  • Dockerfile 0.4%